Friday, October 10, 2008

There would be a title here, but Cheryl's using them all.

Well that was fun.

Except for:
being late
not getting to the bank before lunch
leaving the bank deposit in my car
in the mall parking lot
for an hour

That wasn't so fun.

Luckily nothing happened and I'm in the clear. Assuming Jay doesn't read this.

We had a nice lunch catching up. L is one of those friends where you pick up right where we left off. We may be quite a bit older but with the exception of her colored hair and my graying temples we look exactly the same. At least that's what we tell each other.

I worked for her husband for about six months between jobs at Thousand Trails and Starbucks. He and his partner were my equipment suppliers & service vendors when I worked in telecomunications. They're still in the business and it was fun to hear stories abut all the other people we worked with way back when. I owe a huge debt to them for teaching me most of what I used to know about telecom.

I've been thinking about painting again. I think I'll go out to the art store after work and get some new oils, brushes and canvas. I loaned my old setup to a friend about a year ago but don't really want that set back. It wasn't in the best shape when I lent it. I feel the urge to squish paint around again. It's a very forgiving media. Jay will be with the guys working on the new office all weekend so that ought to keep me out of trouble.

Boy howdy! I can not seem to write a post lately. I've written and erased about 4 paragraphs in the last half an hour. I think I'll just post this and call it good. Do you ever have the feeling that you have a great post in ya but ya just can't get it out?

Blogging constipation?

I'll be back soon I suspect.

peace out, as the kids say.


Gin said...

Brad, I'm thrilled that you're a painter!! I haven't done oils in ages and ages. I have thought about starting again, but it would mean all new supplies (Not a bad thing, I love to shop for art supplies) and my biggest problem is that when I paint, I can't get up from my chair for any length of time until I'm eating, sleeping or doing anything else...I become driven. It could be a good diet!! But you're so right about oil being a forgiving's the best and it's fun to push paint around a canvas. If you paint, will you show us some of your work?? I'd love to see it.

Have a great weekend hon

Cheryl said...

So I guess you liked my 'title as a post'. Yeah, I'm having fun with it. While all of you have been thinking up witty titles, I've had nothin'.

And when you said you were going to paint, I thought maybe I inspired you. Till I realized you were talking about the arty kind of paint. Not my kind.

Have a Monet weekend!

Mama Llama said...

Ah...I'm in there with you...blogger block.

I love that you are going to paint again. I need to get that art release going back in my life, too. Good for you.

Have a great weekend, Brad. Be well.

Jenny said...

when in doubt, you can always post pictures of your goats.

It's why I keep Paco around.


Have a great weekend.

fiwa said...

You paint too? It's really not fair for one person to hog so much of the talent pool. ;)

love you!

Ruth Hull Chatlien said...

Oh, will you post photos of you paintings? I hope so.

Have a wonderful time being creative this weekend.

Summer said...

Nothing like going to the art store and buying new supplies. Let your canvas be your blog.

Leann said...

Must be something in the air.

Scarlet said...

It's not blogging's the inspiration to paint! I was so excited to hear you say that you want to paint. I hope you photograph whatever it is you plan to work on. I want to see it!

I'm glad you had a good lunch, and btw, don't worry about Jay reading any of your heart to us. We won't tell him a word. ;)

zirelda said...

Blogging constipation. That's funny.

But yeah. My mind is so done by the time I get home from work that I can't write worth beans.

I did post a pic of the bank glass but not installed. We just couldn't get a good shot of it installed. However, if you would like to see the bad shot of it installed I will email it to you.

CRUSTY MOM-E said...

here are some virtual flax seeds--and I thought this was a great post, silly!!


Minnie said...

You are lucky:o) Wish I could paint but that gift seems to have passed me by.

Re the bank thing. I once left my handbag in the shopping trolley at Sainsburys supermarket (had just emptied all shopping into the car) Tootled off home and realised what I'd done. Raced back to find the handbag where I'd left it. Good job really, 'cos it had £400 in it!!! It's a lot of money now, but way back then it was a fortune!! Phew! Never repeated that 'trick' since but I'm always leaving my mobile phone 'somewhere safe' and then forgetting where. lol My sons can't understand why I don't carry it everywhere with me, as they do theirs....even to the loo!! Sad, or what? lol

Golden To Silver Val said...

Oh Brad...I can't wait for you to show us some of your work. I never could master oils. I even had a hard time with water color. I like to work with charcoal or pastels. Strange though...I can only do a piece when I'm in the right mood and I haven't had one of those moods in a while. I'm long overdue.
Big hugs...sorry I keep missing you on chat.

tt said...

Ooooooooo...i hope we get to see your work...paintings!!! I love oils!!!!
And, I must brighten my day love!