Thursday, September 04, 2008

Get Out Of My Space

The Good Ship Office Move is headed for rough water. As previously whined here, I wasn't too happy about the way the whole leasing thing went down. When 'we' were just looking we had an agreement that no decisions would be made until all parties had seen the space and bought off on it. Then before I knew it we were going to see the space and sign the lease. The terms already being decided. I'd say in my own defense that I some what accepted that and didn't make too much of a stink but I'd have to go back and read that post which I'm too lazy to do, so well just have to accept that as my reality for now.

I'm not going to sugar coat it. I'm ticked off because Jay is moving full steam ahead and planning (with our business partner) our office space and the features as if it is their own little fiefdom. OK, it is their own little fiefdom on paper but we're in this together, right?

It's more than a bit galling to sit and listen to them in the next office deciding who and what will go where and how the space will work. It would be easier to take if every suggestion wasn't dismissed out of hand. Those two aren't even in the office that much. It my office mate (business partners wife) & I that have to live with these choices. I'm sounding pretty bitter eh? Well just keep in mind I'm holding back.

I'm not surprised or even really that mad. I know this about Jay. Once he gets something into his head, that's it. He's moving to the goal and no one's getting in the way. The problem is he shuts out other opinions and doesn't listen. Not that it's his ego getting in the way. Just his drive. And yes, the phrase "I told you so" will be used.

OK, I'll cop to it. This dude is about to get on my last nerve.

The space where my office and dispatch will be is going to be built out in the warehouse. There aren't any windows near the space. A new one will have to be added. And NO, my dear Jay, a 3' X 3' window isn't going to cut it. It's an office not a bathroom. Oh and by the way - I get to decide where the fricking desk goes, and the door, and I'm picking out my own carpet. Deal with it.

It's just one of many things being decided that are getting under my skin. What really grips me is that when I voice a concern or objection it gets dismissed out of hand. He's not even listening. He's only focused on his agenda. If I were in a more magnanimous mood I might ask for the agenda . But in my current mood I'm more apt to....well never mind.

When I pushed on the window this afternoon I was told it wasn't in the budget. OH PLEASE! - utter nonsense, anything he wants is in the budget. I told him (again) that we should really be looking at Second Hand Building Materials, A local company that salvages building parts for resale.

1) It's green 2) the stuff is in fine shape 3) it's cheaper

His response was he wanted to place the order for building materials TODAY. and he didn't want to go "driving all over the place looking" We have two and a half months of free rent to build out the space. Easy there big fella.

All I wanted was to look at one alternative, not job shop it all over town. You can place your freaking materials order and just leave out a window or two - It's not like Home Depot is going to run out.

Alright - using my blog to spout off about a personal argument isn't a really good idea - but this is what's bugging me today and it's my blog so what the heck I'll post it. This is the closest thing I have to a diary.

I'll bide my time and keep my mouth shut for the most part. I know in the end that the best course is to let them do what they want to do. Get past it and then change it the way I want it down the road.

It's a simple warehouse space with offices. I don't want to live/work in a space with acoustical tiles and fluorescent lighting. In fact, I won't. It's a plain old warehouse that won't have walk in customers or retail space. When I get done at least my space will be funky. There's a lot of cool old stuff down at Second Hand.

Bide your time Bradley, Bide your time.

If you made it this far thanks, but you really should find something better to do with your time.



Ruth Hull Chatlien said...

I'm sorry they're leaving you out of the process. Wish I could say something more helpful.

Leann said...

Wow Brad. I'm afraid I'd not be quite so magnamonious in all of that. My mouth would for sure get me in the soup. I'd end up with a cubby under the stairs in penance for my vocalization. I truly hope Jay decides to allow some insight into this for as you stated, you and the office mate have to be there ALL the time. You should definetly have a say in how it's designed.

Moohaa said...

I'm never one to keep my opinions to myself, so make yourself heard, my friend.

I sure hope things get straightened out to everyone's liking. Come on, there should be some preferential treatment!

Sorry I'm not on much, but know I love you!

tt said...

Aw yes...the vent-rant. Jay sounds like my Lovee at times. they get so focused on what THEY want and how THEY see things that others opinions just don't really the time. Lovee has to be in just the right 'mood' to go looking at something that may be somewhat less traditional. I'm just like you...I'll vent, but usually to myself...or my Sunshine girl....and wait until he's in a more receptive mood **wink-wink*** then I'll talk up his ideas and throw a few of my own in there...and pretty soon he thinks it's his idea. lol
You know how men can's all in the timing. ha ;)
I wish I lived closer to you...I'd love to go shopping at that second hand store!!! woo-hoo...we'd
have a blast....AND we'd bring something back for your office too!!

CRUSTY MOM-E said...

"Ill bide my time," You sounded like the Wicked Witch of the West--not you personally, but that statement. Hee-hee.
SOunds to me that you're just asking for some level of control over something--which is why you're putting your binded foot down on your shaggy carpet with the window facing east, the door to the west and the desk on the south wall (L:)) because you feel like there is no power behind your words.

I understand where you're coming from---and when it happens a lot in someone's life, it just gets down and dirty and you begin to knit pick the smallest things just so you can be heard.

I completely understand how you feel!!
Are you sure you and my mom aren't related? This sounds like something they (mom and dad) discuss all the time (Discuss is putting it lightly).

Sometimes it's just nice to have someone actually listen to you, listen to the advice, compliment you on your advice and then maybe perhaps consider using your advice, versus being the alphaMale or Female and running ahead of the pack with all the bones--eventually they'll tire, begin dropping their bones and guess what, they'll turn back around and ask their fellow packmates to assist them with the bone pick up.

It's a normal 'discussion' between two people that are married as well as in a business together--not too many people could do what you guys do---you have a very strong relationship even when you feel as though you're not being respected..

I'm certain that things will get worked out--Jay seems like my dad, impulsive and once there is an idea in his head--he plows through it like a local steam engine.
which for 95% that's a fabulous character trait to have.

whoops..too long of a comment..
Remember, it's only walls but request some walls that give you nice happy bright space. :)


Mama Llama said...


Sounds like this is Just The Way He Is. Couple that with the motivational excitement of a new space and desire for instant gratification in getting things done and NOW, and yes, agreements will be breeched and tensions will arise.

I am sorry and, not that you're looking for advice but I can't even give you any unsolicited words! :) What worries me is that this would possibly drive some kind of wedge between you two personally--and does he realize that? Or will you two allow that to happen?

Just a thought. I stay tuned. Be well, Brad. TGIF!

desert dirt diva said...

well hope all goes well, and do what i do after you suggest something sit back and wait....then when what they do is totally all wrong, suggest that what you suggested would of work way better, sounds childish i know, but i do this all the time and ussalully my idea turned out to be the best.. have a good fri.!~

Jenny said...

I've been in your position with my biz partner... maybe it's a male thing.

I LOVE your idea of using salvaged materials. I think they add good "juju" to a new build out and it's too bad your partner is only seeing the finish line because when you have to live/work in a place, it should be filled with good energy and decisions.

Hopefully, you'll make your office space YOURS and..... of course, you'll have your office dog. That's the REAL bonus from the move, right?

Have a wonderful weekend.

Mon said...

Get in there and get what you is the time my friend! Oh..and vent all you want...venting is good, venting is good!

Mon said...

Get in there and get what you is the time my friend! Oh..and vent all you want...venting is good, venting is good!

meno said...

This is you holding back? Yikes.

I understand how you are feeling though. Don't kill anyone. That would be bad.

Unknown said...

Talk about under your skin. Whoa, Turbo. Just relax and take it as it all comes. Just do your thing before they get to do theirs. It'll all work out fine. It always does.

Jamie said...

It seems that no one has mentioned what I consider the obvious -- and the only reason i bring it up is that I have been where you are: We are not supposed to work with our spouses. I have learned (the hard way of course) that it just doesn't work well. Usually, this is why. We can be pissed off at those we work for/with...and still be normal at home. When its' the same person, though --- well, you can see what I mean. And you know what? I would be stupid enough to do it again...but soemtimes it just is too damned hard.

Hugs, honey.

I know exactly how you feel. I hate when folks tell ME that, but seriously, I do. And I suspect that in the end, you will get what you want. It's just the way things work.

Happy Saturday!


Gin said...

You have much more fortitude than I would. I'd be in there mouthing off and thrusting my opinions in his're handling it just fine and you'll get your way. And you'll save a war, while you're at it!! Good job Brad!!!

zirelda said...

Dan does that too. Drives me up a wall.

And my ex was in business with his friend. Rankled me to no end because his friend was an absolute twit and I was just supposed to go along with what they wanted. I was office manager along with another full time job and a baby.


Scarlet said...

Wow, you're inspiring me to start bashing my husband on my blog and feel good about it when I do. ;)

You sound a bit frustrated and with good cause, but you know these things will pass and everyone will be happy once it's over and done with. (Let's hope.)

I love that you use your blog any way you see fit. It's so refreshing.

Enjoy your weekend, Brad!

Joni Dixon-Stanger said...

Well if he doesn't give you a bigger window, position two toilets in front of your desk like chairs for him to sit on when he comes in to see you in your office. I can't wait to hear how this all plays out in the end. Who will prevail...Jay or Brad?

Summer said...

My immediate boss, Dr. Greek God, is a lot like Jay. Before I left work Friday night, I thought surely I was going to choke him.

You have a right to your feelings and how you want to express them, here and/or in the kitchen.

I hope today brings some resolution.


Cheryl said...

You have every reason to be pissed off. I understand much better now. I say go for a wall of windows.

Jules said...

Yep, that would piss me off as well. Hope it sorts itself out soon and you get listened to.
However - I do have a complaint about that widgit on you blog. It says I'm in Coventry. I would like to make it clear that I am not and never have been in Coventry!!!

SOUL said...

yep-- i'm with cheryl on this one-- go for it brad-- picture window all the way- :))
salvage is fine.. why not right?
and a vent-- public spewing of the rant.
you spend the better part of your day at this place-- it should be a place you are comfortable ... tell jay to chill. you really aren't askin too much here.. it's a damn window.
you're easy to please. :))

hope the coming week is better for both of you

SOUL said...

ps-- you really oughtta try some banana split oreos-- oh man.. i might just gain twenty pounds on these things.