It's a perfect May evening, I think summer may finally be here, fingers crossed, maybe it will hold this time. The Monarch Butterflys are back in force - they like to play/mate in the shade of the maple trees up here on the hill. I may have blogged this before but they are amazing the way they 'do it'. They'll fly up high into the trees, couple and float down then fly back up and start over. It's amazing to watch and there's so many of them.
I went out and bought Bear a new bed. His old one was getting ratty and Miss Lilly has recently taken to sleeping in his bed with him. Much to his chagrin. He'll normally huff off after she's invaded his space. This bed is about a 1/3 bigger than the last. It takes up a fair chunk of the entry hall. Jay was a bit set back on his heels when he learned I spent nearly $100 on it. But hey, those are my kids. What are you going to do ?
Jay just called - he's finaly done working for the day but stuck behind traffic 45 minutes from home. That man works his ass off and is the reason our company make a profit. I've got steaks and sweet corn waiting for him when he gets home - A surprise for him. His niece and nephew will be here in the morning for a play date w/ uncles - should be fun. Oh yeah Mom's coming too.
I've been trying to write about last weeks expereinces but nothing seems to come out right. I think I'll just leave it in my head and let the memories stay there rather then trying to get them out here. It seems to be whats right for me for now. If it was right to get it out here it would have happened. I'll let it go for now. I've got plenty of drafts to look back on if I need to.
Boring post, I know - but that's me today. Hope you all have a great weekend.
Friday, May 30, 2008
Make hay in the sunshine
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Have I mentioned how beautiful your blog header is? I'd love to see a scene like that. Do you see that from where you live?
Nothing like a perfect May evening, especially in WA. It just makes everything OK.
Enjoy your weekend, Brad. Glad to hear you sounding so happy.
We won't have our monarchs for a while yet. I have a butterfly bush that they love. It will bloom soon.
I love these warm days with no humidity. I expect thought that they will disappear soon.
Love you.
Steaks, sweet corn and mating butterflies could never be boring!
Lovely seeing a slice of someone else's life.
Hey Brad...just popped over from RLL's blog. I had to read about the person who left the most wonderful statement I've ever read/heard. After reading a few of your posts, I can see where your wisdom comes from. You have a large heart my friend.
Great blog!
Thanks for allowing me to comment. :)
Bear says thanks for the new bed. If the words don't flow out you need to hold your memories close. Sometimes that's the only way.
Not at all boring. I always enjoy play dates with the grandkids. Hope you have half as much fun as we do.
You sound good today, Brad. A no-big-thing day is much better than a filled-with-sh*t day, don't you think?
Thanks for bringing smiles to are wonderful.
Be well, Brad.
I'll bet Bear loves his new big bed!! I had to laugh at your description of Miss Lilly nudging big ol' Bear out of his bed. Isn't that always the way!!
Butterflies mating...what a lovely thought!
Have a good weekend Brad!
Rosie sends hugs to Bear.
"the person who left the most wonderful statement I've ever read/heard." Dude. That's one of the nicest compliments I've ever heard. And it couldn't have been said about a nicer person.
And please, quit saying you're boring - you are anything but. What a wonderful surprise you had planned for Jay. Hasn't the corn been great this year?
I get some monarchs, but it's usually only one or two at a time. I'm starting to wonder about this little happy farm of yours - I've been saying all along that you had angel wings.... is your home a little slice of heaven?
Have fun tomorrow with the kids.
lovins to you & Jay -
PS I figured out why the drive-in is so popular. You can smoke!
$100!!!? with that sort of luxury going i'm coming to live at your house.
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