Saturday, May 31, 2008

Past Time

Does anyone else remember those old Mr. Fix-It shops? The guy with the funky store with shelves upon shelves of doo-dads and what-nots? The place you used to take your stuff to be repaired before everything was made to be thrown away after a couple of years ? What happened to those guys ? Did they all die with out leaving issue of a son or daughter to take over the business ? I miss those guys. I have an art deco mantle clock that tried to electrocute me that I really want repaired but you just can't find that kind of service anymore. I was born in the wrong era.

I'm cleaning out the dressing room closets today and trying to remember why it is that I have 3 sets of cowboy boots but haven't been on horse back for 25 years. Three black yard waste bags full of suits with too wide lapels and ties that I totally deny buying on their way to Goodwill with Jay as I type. I also snuck in a dozen of Jay's advertising T-shirts but don't tell him.

Jay's Mom just called while I was posting this. They're in Idaho attending one of our niece's graduation. Jay's parents are amazing. They're Born-again Christians missionaries. Christians in the true sense of the word. They have, over the years completely accepted me and us and treat me like they're own son. It's fun to have my own very left, liberal Mom and Jay's dad in the same room talking politics.

I best get in the shower, Jay's sister Joy and kids will be here soon. Jay's off to the ceramics store to get blanks for them to paint. I've still got about 2 square yards or so of old clothes to sort.

Have a great Saturday friends !


fiwa said...

You know, I swear there is a clock repair store down here by me. I'll make a point to drive by sometime over the weekend and see if I'm right.

Good for you for purging - I need to go through and do that too. Thank goodness my mom is coming to stay with me in July - that really spurs me on to get stuff like that done.

Jay's parents sound like really nice people. Too bad there aren't more like that around.

Man, those kids must LOVE coming to your house to visit! I would - I'm totally jealous that y'all are going to paint ceramics 'n stuff. What great uncles.

Jay said...

Yeah, it's good to get rid of all the evidence .. er bad ties! My wardrobe is very small and I try to keep it that way. Only a few t-shirts, collard shirts and one wedding/funeral/job interview suit. It's good to make sure everything is multi-functional, right?

All this fancy-schmancy technology is what has finished off all the Mr. Fix-it shops. It's very sad. People just replace their stuff with cheap crap made by slave labor in China instead getting it fixed too.

Have a fun weekend!

Happyone said...

I remember those fix it shops too. I guess they just can't make a living doing that any more.
There is a shoe repair man around here where I live. He will fix your shoes while you wait. I don't know how he stays in business!!

I have looked around my house to try to get rid of some stuff and just love everything I have. I'll just have to take it all with me to the new house. :-)

Mo said...

Hey when you finish with your stuff will you come help me with mine?

I keep saying I need to do it but I am unmotivated to do so.

I am happy you have such a great family. Love and acceptance is the best!

Have fun this weekend.


Cheryl said...

I have two digital cameras that I can't bear to throw away, but need fixing. Can it really be that it's not worth it?

Good for you for the purging. No matter how much I do, there's still so much left.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend. I'm caffeined-up and very happy. Buzzz...

Golden To Silver Val said...

You're doing what I really need to do. I have so many out-dated clothes. But I know if I throw away that old poodle skirt, it will certainly come back in fashion. A lot of my high heeled shoes have come back in style...only problem is that now I no longer wear those 3 inch heels...instead I prefer leather loafers or tennis shoes. I was once told that a gray blazer is a must for every man's wardrobe...can be dressed up or down in a snap. know what...I really DO like that look. Snazzy with jeans or snappy casual with khakis and a turtleneck. I'm very happy that I no longer have to wear heels and pantyhose for work. We can dress in slacks and tunic tops...nice and comfy.
I hope your Saturday is pleasant. Have you gotten that book yet? Talk later maybe. Hugs.

tt said...

Oooo...those cowboy boots will make great birdhouses!! Seriously. I have one in my yard. I'll have to take a pic and post it.
We have a few of those shops in our neck of the world.Very few, but I just love going in there!! I always find stuff I didn't know I needed. :)
Glad you've got such loving people around you. It makes life so much easier.
BTW---I stole that quote you left at RLL's place....I put it on my sidebar. I hope it's ok. It just said so much that I had to have it.
Let meknow if it's not ok. I'll take it down and post it on a wall or something here in my house. :)

SOUL said...

sounds a busy but good day--

i have loads of stuff like that too -- that need to get hauled away. ten year old clothes and shoes, that i know no one will ever-- and some could never , wear again.. why do people hold onto stuff like that?

it's an illness i think. that pack-rat disease? yep, i have that.

anyways-- hope you're doin well, and havin a good day-

fiwa said...

I'm sorry to report that the clock repair place is gone. Clarke remembered it too - but we drove by last night and it's now a wine shop. Sorry. :(

PS - Cowboy boots came back in style last winter. Of course, they're not open toed... ;)