Tuesday, September 09, 2008


Another beautiful late summer day here today. I see other bloggers mentioning the signs of fall coming on and it sounds like were getting off easy so far. I hope it holds out a few more weeks. I'm fine with the coming of fall but I'd like to eek out some more summer first. Seattle is a place where you get all four distinct seasons so there's plenty of time for sweaters and leaf raking.

I got a couple of comments from yesterdays post about going to concerts and feeling too old for them anymore. I'm pretty sure that's what I'm going to be thinking when we go. I'm hoping they have Heart as the first band and I can kind of wander off and hear Cheap Trick and Journey from a good distance away. I'm sure it's going to be to loud, to crowded and just two much after a short while but everyone else is jazzed to go so I'll just make the best of it. Most everyone going is my age so hopefully I won't be the only old foggie.

The office move planning is going in fits and starts. We have a one child day care in the office. Our business partners have a grandson that spends his days with us. Grandma takes care of him during the day. We've made allowances to make this work and it works well in the current office. The new office is going to present a number of challenges and I can anticipate it becoming more and more difficult for her to do. She's started to make noise now about not being sure she can do it. Not a big surprise but the timing could be better. We had a load of material delivered to the new space this last weekend and will start the framing for offices this weekend. It's thrown all the plans up in the air. Do we build out an office for each of us and a room for daycare and them have her decide she can't make the commute? I don't want to throw any blame around but I feel like this could have been better thought out. The long range plan is for her to move out of the business so if it comes earlier rather then later I'm fine with that but I'd rather not waste the money.

Speaking of money, our fleet of vans keep racking up the expenses. It's bad enough to pay $100 to fill each with gas but the repairs are all hitting this month. So far it one radiator replacement ($607) one break job ($560) one new set of tires & other work ($600) Jay called me 10 minutes ago saying his on his way to find one of our guys who's broken down on the road--- great... Then he calls back (Jay) as he's run out of gas, way to go champ. Normal crap I suppose but why does it all have to hit in one month?

Seems like more than a few bloggers have been going on hiatus lately. I understand that, we all go through our peaks and valleys. I've been having trouble coming up with much to say lately to. Sometimes I have to remind myself that my posts don't have to be entertaining (I flatter myself thinking any of them are) but just to keep writing is the goal. I blame it on the season. I think were effected by nature more than we know. Things will come full circle, bloggers will come back and I may think of something amusing to write in time. So there ya go, I'm not even going to edit this one and let all the bad grammer stay. Maybe I'll clean it up later, maybe not.


Ruth Hull Chatlien said...

Sorry about all the expenses hitting at once. I swear that vehicles and appliances have long conspiracy conversations behind our backs.

It definitely feels like fall here. The high will be the mid 60s, and I'm wearing socks and a corduroy shirt. Sigh.

I hope the day care situation gets sorted out before you finalize your building plans.

P.S. Smokey says hi to Bear.

Unknown said...

LOL. I feel you on the concert thing. I went to one lately and all I could do is complain about how tired I was and how ready I was to leave. It happens to all of us from time to time.

Jenny said...

I went to see Heart in 1979 and it was great. Nowadays, I feel as if I have a hangover if I'm not in bed before 11:00. Do you think they'd start concerts earlier? Hee.

What type of industry are you in?

Hope4Grace said...

I agree, it's the season. School is back in session, the roads are clogged with mini-vans, buses and high schoolers. I can't take it all.

I so hope you get your own office! Maybe Grandma will figure out the problem before it goes much further. That would be a wasted space, unless you maybe just stick your employees in there to "play" while they are waiting to see you and get their marching orders.

Jamie said...

I am sure I was one of the "old fogies" mentioned in your post, as I think I said something to the effect of being too old to go to concerts, but it's the truth. I am too old for the noise...the crowd...ugh.

It does sound like you have your hands full with all the moving of your office and the construction. I am impressed at how much you do for your employees, you DO go the extra mile for them---I think that's wonderful.

I hope your week is going wonderfully. Hugs, Brad.

tt said...

sometimes it's hard to get motivated to blog when there's so much going on else where I think. For me anyway. So much to sort out in the ol grape.
You do it well though my friend.
Ummm, and i don't think bad grammar counts in the blog world...does it?? :)

keep the chin up babe!

HappyK said...

I just caught up reading your blog. It's nice to be back. Just a little time away from blogging and I realized how much I really did miss it. I feel better about just having one now and I don't feel that I have to post every day. Thanks for your kind words!!
Have a great Wednedsay.

CRUSTY MOM-E said...

I have a feeling you'll enjoy yourself!! just look to the music Bradley and nothing else---close your eyes and let the music of the now take you back to the then.

You'll have fun, you'll be in good company!

I'd go with you.

Cheryl said...

Don't you ever say you're the one that's going to stop blogging, OK? It would just be too much.

Golden To Silver Val said...

Hope your days are going more smoothly. Nothing very newsy on my end....which is good. No news is good news, as they say. Hopefully I can catch up with you on chat one of these days. Darn...if I didn't have to WORK at work, then I could chat. LOL Tell us about the concert. Big hugs.

e c f e s w said...

i don't think we are too old to go to concerts~~i'm headed to tunica the end of this month to see the allmond brothers~~i am excited to have a little vacation~~