Tuesday, September 02, 2008

New Space

We signed a lease and took the keys for our new office warehouse space on Friday. The guys have been 'out looking' at property for the past couple weeks. It's not what I would have chosen for us but I'm successfully keeping my yap shut for now. It's a nice big space with about a basketball sized area for warehouse and a two story office build out at the back of the building. More than enough room for us now and the foreseeable future.

On the up side it's about half the distance from home as the current office and the commute will be a breeze. Additionally we'll have enough space for Bear to finally become an office dog. He's going to love getting to go to work with me in the morning and will make my day so much better just to have him around. Nothing like a dog to pet when work is stressing you out. Another good thing is it's only 2 blocks away from a huge park, Fort Dent and the Green River with tons of walking/biking trails and fields to run in.

We've spent the weekend going over the space and measuring and planning. We had one session where we all threw out what we thought we needed as far as building out new offices and the space in general and quickly found that we could exceed our budget with in a matter of minutes and that was just in the cost of the windows and doors. Who needs walls and flooring ?

I'm a little tweeked at the pace 'the boys' are going. They saw the place about a week before they decided it was the spot. I'm told by Jay that it was the closest to meeting our needs that they found and still in our price range. Some how I'm not convinced that due diligence was taken. Past experience tells me that once he's got something in his mind it's pretty much a done deal with no heed to others opinions or any level check with reality. Again, I'm keeping my mouth shut for now but it ain't easy.

I'm not going to sweat it. Things will work out in the end. I've said my piece and now it's time to shut up.

I'd never say "I told you so..."

Or would I ?


Real Live Lesbian said...

Surely you wouldn't! :)

Here's hoping it turns out to be a dream space for you and Bear!

Mo said...

Yay for you and Bear. I love office dogs!

Jenny said...

I bring two of my dogs with me everyday and I LOVE it. You're so right when you say they are good for the moments when things get stressful. There have been so many times when I've gotten out of my chair and sat on the floor with them. We may be faced with moving next year and finding a new space is daunting. And expensive. Good luck to you all with everything that goes into a move.

Scarlet said...

Sounds like a good deal all the way around. I hope everything falls into place for you.

I'm sure Bear's going to love it!

Ruth Hull Chatlien said...

Well, I'm sure you'll love the shorter commute, and the park, and having Bear with you. So maybe those perks will more than compensate for any bad aspects. You're so right about having a dog to hug when you feel work stressed. Since I started working at home, I love being able to turn to Smokey when I need some loving. I tell him I want a Smokey hug and he climbs right up on my lap.

Cheryl said...

It will work out. You'll get Bear. That's a huge happy thing. A big part of home with you every day. And the park and the commute. Sounds good?? Will you have movers? Other than yourselves? You can take out your frustration then cause it will be a pain!

Happy thoughts your way from me to you.

Unknown said...

Cool beans man. Way to step up and I know the dog will be happy to go to work too. Good business man.

Summer said...

Hmmm...would you?

Golden To Silver Val said...

Oh how wonderful for both you and Bear. He will be so much happier too. I like the short commute as a plus. Save on gas and time, not to mention stress levels!!
I think I'm back to working 2 days a week again...so hopefully we can chat soon. I've missed that so much.

Leann said...

I sound just like Jay, or Jay sounds just like me....whatever. Once I have something in my head, well it's difficult to disuade me. No is a word I don't take kindly to. I'm a "where there's a will there's a way" kinda person.

Good for you on the "I told you so" 'cause this one here *points to self* she ain't so gracious....often.

Miss Purdue said...

Uncle Brad...

Guess what?

I have a new baby....

Miss P

Jamie said...

Yea for a shorter commute and office dogs! I think it's so awesome that you can take Bear. :)

You would never say that, would you? teehee


CRUSTY MOM-E said...

Congratulations on becoming a Great Uncle Brad!! :)

I understand what "types" you're talking about...but regardless, now you have Bear to hang out with in the office--perhaps we'll even witness a few Bear posts within the fine new office walls?

I'm waiting for your company's admin job posting, what's the delay? :)LOL heehee.

happy humpday!


CRUSTY MOM-E said...

P.S. Saw what was going on up near Seattle with that shooter---how awful!--- :(

tt said...

Bear is sooo lucky to have you....and vice versa!
I, actually, never say 'I told you so'. It's counterproductive. But I some how manage to get that point across w/o even opening my mouth. lol Must be the 'look' I can get. I bet you could pull that off too. ;)

Gin said...

An office dog! How cool is that!! I'll never be able to take Rosie to my office! They don't allow any animals on the school bus! LOL

Congrats on the new space...be sure to use feng shui principles to allow the chi to flow properly! It will help all of you who work there, and the biz too!

Let us know what you decide regarding the "I told you so..." ;-)