Friday, September 26, 2008

A copy of this post and 1 dollar will get you a soft drink from your local grocery store

Well I started doing the meme that Summer tagged me with but as I got further into the questions I realised That I'd already done this one So I spent about 7 seconds trying to find it but then I noticed something shiny on my desk and got distracted and forgot what I was doing so I decided that I'd just start a dam post and put it up Lord knows it Friday and nobodys around blogland on Fridays I'm not even really sure why we work on fridays cuz no one really does anything on friday except plan the weekend so we might as well just have that day off too So it doesn't really matter much what I put up here cuz no ones going to read it anyway In fact while I'm at it I might as well put up the silly pic I took down by the lake as I was on my way in to work this morning see I woke up early and Lolli was still sleeping so I decided I might as well just go to work but I didn't want to be too early so I stopped by the lake and watched the joggers (no cute ones this morning) and while I was sitting there I took this picture

Pretty pedestrian isn't it? This is where Boeing assembles all the plane parts that aren't made here anymore They built a Target and a Petco and Cross Dress for Less (aren't I funny) store where those people (used) to work They still work there just not for Boeing anymore This is where they put those parts together before they fly them up to Everett to get their paint jobs Pretty exciting huh I won't tell you to double click the picture to see the airplanes because you all failed miserably in following directions on the last post so there see what you get? So after I did that I turned to the left and took this picture

That's my house over there at the top of the hill where you can't really see it because of the trees but trust me it's over there I could be over there right now with the dog and the cat and the goats and the chickens but no Jay has this whole thing about going to work I'm not sure what his point is but he does seem fairly insistant on the subject So everybody wave Hello house that we can't see So anyway for some reason I took total leave of my senses the other night and printed out the flyer for the South Sound Farmer Harvest Festival Days and put it in front of Jay which was a stupid thing to do because for some reason he took that to mean that I wanted to go on the tour of all the farms in the south sound area so we could go look at pumpkins and corn and have hot cider freshly pressed and I think there are hay rides and such to go on even though I don't really want to ride in a hay wagon I think what really got him going was the farm that have Alpacas and he wants to go see them He thinks I want to go see them too which of course is just silly And even though I've told him he can't have an alpaca until he builds a new goat barn and then a new building for the alpacas but I don't think he was listening at the time so he probably thinks he going to get an alpaca this weekend but between you and me that's just not going to happen So that's what we're going to do on Saturday

Here's another pic I took today it's a sunflower that got a pretty late start I've been watching it leap into life over the last two weeks it grew about a foot a day and bloomed it's big bloom in about 15 minutes while I watched and then it promptly died due to the frost and it won't ever be able to make any seeds so I guess that's one less sunflower in the gene pool

So as you surely have noticed over the past few post grammar is become much more of an option here on Waconda Road and not so much a constant I like writing this way much better and I think it gives you some insight into how my brain works (?) sometimes Of course it really doesn't matter because it's Friday and nobody reads blogs on Fridays so I doubt any one is going to notice anything different at all So I hope you all who haven't read this have a great weekend I have to go now because I'm at work and I'm busy planning my next very important business decision which of course is what the hec am I going to eat for lunch

Carry on


Moohaa said...

I read blogs on Friday. I enjoyed reading as usual. Now.. off to share at my shiny things!

fiwa said...

Duuuude! *I* read blogs on Friday. What's the deal here - Kelly Jene and I don't count?!

Hey - what's the scoop on the farm tour, is there a website or something? Is it just this weekend?

The "distracted by a shiny object on desk" sentence cracked me up.

You NEED an Alpaca or two. Seriously - you do. And then you need to invite me over so I can sing the llama song to them. Alpaca/llama - close enough.

Enjoy your day tomorrow. Think about me when you're having hot cider... I'll be at home, cleaning my pig-sty of a house. *sob*


bonnie said...

since it's friday and I don't have a shiny thing, I DO think I can SEE your house. It's that one, right?? Well, my hands smell like garlic and I'm waiting for Diane to show up so we can walk our dogs. Raining here. Happy weekend.

Scarlet said...

What the heck am I doing here on a Friday, you ask? Visiting you! ;)

And...I'm home sick. I love the pics, btw. I wish I could see your house over the hill (I was really trying). The sunflower is beautiful and they happen to be my favorite flowers.

As for the alpaca, I can't wait to hear how all that pans out. Please update...and have a wonderful weekend!!

Leann said...

Wow!! You win the 'longest run on sentence' award for sure!!

Smocha said...

That was hilarious!

I read blogs on Friday too.

I have an alpaca scarf. It's real pretty and pink. I was going to wear it one night when we went out to dinner. My husband looked at me in horror and said "Are you actually gonna wear that fluffy THING?"

That's an expensive scarf! It looks just like fox fur. Gah! The man knows nothing about fashion.

Hope you enjoy your adventure to the farms:)

Summer said...

I read this on Friday. I swear I did. But, I lost power and then there was a cat fight and dinner to fix, so here I am on Saturday morning.

The sunflower looks so sad and yes I still love you.

zirelda said...


Now this was a great post and so reflects my own mind and how it rambles on.

You go.

Ruth Hull Chatlien said...

Well, I didn't get here till Saturday. Does that count?

I loved the stream-of-consciousness effect of this post.

tt said...

You totally cracked me up so much that I had to grab a tissue mid sentence to wipe the laughing tears away so I could finish what you wrote before i got myself all distracted thinking about your distraction with the shiney object on your desk also so I wouldn't miss the pictures of your house that can't be seen even if i do the click thingie which you told us not to do but we all did anyway cuz we're just like that out here in the real world far far away from the beauty of Waconda Road.

You take my breath away!

tt said...

are we related by any chance?

Gin said...

Love the sunflower. But you've had a freeze already???

Cheryl said...

Hahahehe. Loved your post that I didn't read on Friday. One of your best yet. I love you.

Hope4Grace said...

You're right, (sob!) I'm so sorry I didn't read your blog yesterday, I spent my entire day job my desk. Take that sucky people!

But do I get points for Saturday reading?

PS: How exactly expensive would it be to ship you down here to assist me (i.e. do it for me, seeing how the whole black thumb of plant death thing is in effect) with planting my whole yard?

Jamie said...

Sometimes I read blogs on Fridays Recently I'm lucky to read at all I LOVED this post I think you are hilarious and adorable and...just everything Thank you for the email I was touched that you took time out of your day and wrote to me, or maybe it's just that I am TOUCHED in general...No really---it was very sweet of you Just because I am not writing anymore does not mean I will abandon my friends and you are definately among my good friends:) I hope your weekend has been most awesome dear brad Hugs, and lots of them :)

ps i love to write like ee cummings too LOL but i dont think he even capitalized did he?

happyone said...

Of course you know I love the sunflower! :-)

I think Jay should get the alpaca!! My daughter knits with alpaca yarn. One of her dreams is to own an alpaca one day.

Joni Dixon-Stanger said...

I think you posted this after I got done reading blogs on Friday because I always look for yours to read. You make me smile everytime I visit your blog. This post made me laugh. I think you can knit with Alpaca fur/hair/whatever it is. Maybe HappyOne would make you an Alpaca fur/hair/whatever it is afghan.

Mima said...

Its now Sunday, and I'm reading it!! Really enjoyed it too!! Lovely to have a peaceful walk and sit first thing in the morning, and I did wave at your house. Hope you have had a good weekend.

Golden To Silver Val said...

Oh my goodness! You were certainly in rare form writing this post, weren't you? I laughed out loud at the part about being distracted by a shiny thing on your desk. OMG...that's funny!
And....yep, you're right. It was Sunday before I read this, but I'm glad you posted it....I sure did need a good laugh.
Dying to know if Jay got his Alpaca.
Don't keep us in suspense now.
Love and hugs!

Unknown said...

Who stole all your marbles. Are you going crazy on us. I thought I was crazy first until I got to the end and saw that the grammar thing was intentional. I got marbles leftover if you want me to send you some. Can't wait to read what happened this weekend.