Tuesday, August 26, 2008

This must be Tuesday

I had every intention of posting last night. I'd decided to wait till I got home as I didn't have time at work to goof off and blog. I'd even come up with a few good post ideas, none of which I can remember now of course. At about 4:30 the sky turned very dark and the news was saying rain, thunder and lightning with a potential for funnel clouds. I'm not sure if funnel clouds is just a local weather term or if they use it else where, but here it means a almost-but-not-quite tornado. They're pretty cool to see as they almost always stay up in the sky and never touch ground. We do get the odd real live tornado about once a decade down in the valley but it's not something people much think about here.

Anyway, being a cautious lad I decided to high tail it home. The deluge started about 2 minutes after I got in the house. Poor Bear was shaking like a leaf for all the thunder and lighting. I was glad we were home for the pup. We got a ton of rain and then hail enough to cover the grass. Two good and really loud lighting bolts hit nearby. One hit a tree down in the woods behind us and another exploded over the front yard. It was an amazingly loud blast like a bomb. I was just glad it didn't hit one of the two 90 year old Doug Firs that grow feet away from each side of the house. No damage done just shaky nerves and no web access for the rest of the night. Which is interesting because we didn't loose cable TV. Bear was still strung out hours later.

I've been Mr. Cranky-Pants for most of the day. It started out with Jay this morning before we left for work. I'll spare you the boring details but it has to do with decsions the 'owners' make about policy and how it impacts me and the customers. Basically it came down to this: If you are going to change a policy you so wisely created last week to something that impacts the customers that I've already dealt with, you don't get to change your mind and think I'm going to be the one to call the customer back and explain it to them.

Your bed, you lay in it. I ain't doing your dirty work.

Jay seems to think I'm just going to take care of it. Wrong. We haven't spoken about it since. He did call me up and ask me if I wanted to go to lunch with him.

Um, No.

So there - I'm cranky and proud of it.

Lolli & band had thier first show on Sunday. Unfortunatly it was in an amphitheater and it rained. I IM'd with her this morning and she said it went as well as could be, considering the rain. There were some of the faithful who stuck out the performance and all and all she was pleased. So good news there.

I've been working my buns off this morning. It's rare that I'm really busy, but when you forget to do a couple of critical tasks and stuffs going to be late it amazing how busy you can get. I got through that before lunch so it's back to the medium grind for the rest of the afternoon.

Be good, and play well with others.


Moohaa said...

Just say NO to crankiness! lol

I'd do the same thing with the policy issue however. I wouldn't want to be the one calling people back!

That storm was something else, wasn't it?! Our parking lot flooded in like 20 minutes... very bizarre.

Love ya!!!!!!!!

fiwa said...

You know, EVERYONE but me must have heard about the potential funnel clouds yesterday, because while it was raining like a bainshee, there was hardly any traffic going home. And by the time I got home - there was no rain. Poor Bear. I'm glad nothing was hit too close to home.

Sorry you are having work/cranky issues. Me too. Want to switch jobs?

love & stuff -

Summer said...

Hey Fussy Pants. Come be fussy with me!

Mama Llama said...

Must be some sort of stellar line-up. I awoke completely on the wrong side of the bed this morning, too.

May tomorrow be better...for both!

Be well, Brad.

Scarlet said...

First of all, I love your last line..."be good and play well with others." (I make no promises. ;) )

I hope it all works out with Jay, but I'm with you on the "you make your bed, now lay in it" philosophy. I would've let him take me to lunch! ;)

I wish you sunny skies tomorrow...and that you play well with others! (This is my new favorite line!! I'm using it on the kids before school, my husband before work...everybody!!) :)~

bonnie said...

Wow, a monster storm. Weather here never quite reaches that intensity. So we have to get our thrills from movies like Storm Chasers and Twister. Here's my favorite closing line: Life is short, break the rules, forgive quickly, kiss slowly, love truly, laugh uncontrollably, and never regret anything that made you smile.

CRUSTY MOM-E said...

Blame it on the rain,..yeah yeah''

Isn't there a song out there like that? :)


Happyone said...

Sounds like quite a storm!
I like your last line too though sometimes it's hard to do. :-)

Unknown said...

A couple of things bro.

Who is Lolle. Remember I'm a late reader. I miss the days of storms in WA. If only I could get someone to pour water on me here. Sounds like it would have been nice just to sit at the window and enjoy all the action. I used to have a dog like that too. She just ran in circles the whole time. Did a number on the carpet.