Wednesday, January 09, 2008

I worked !

well, I made it in there, got the guys on the road, then held up in my office with a heater and a blanket and napped 1/2 the morning - but it's something.

I guess my body is trying to tell me something. I seem to catch every little bug coming down the pike in the last year. Not to mention throwing my back out lifting a bale of hay. I swear, I used to be able to do that for an afternoon when I was 20.

I've seen the onset of late 40ish coming and have made great strides with keeping off the crap food. But that's about it - all the other nasty habits and lack of real exercise (I claim dog walking as cardio) are still a monkey on my back. Too bad I was asleep for the past two days. I could have used that time to focus on it.

Anyone have any advice on (simple) ways to get yourself focused and motivated (in way's that won't hurt me) ?

Thanks all for the 'Get Well' messages - your all lovely, and by the way very pretty.



MommiCombs said...

I'm thinking about starting to eat like they do in Greece. They only eat veggies, and fish and chicken. And they eat very little red meat. They only use Olive oil too. And the people over there are the healthiest people in the world. Eating better could help give you more energy and keep the sicky bugs could also quit smoking!!?? That might make a difference? (Tee hee)

Brad said...

Did ya have too rat me out on my blog that I still smoke ? I'll get you my pretty ! Smooch 1

fiwa said...

lol... ratted out on your own blog, that is hilarious. :)

You know, I haven't quite figured out the motivation part, but I have started doing some things this fall that I think have helped me stay well. I started drinking green tea, which if you don't like the taste, I know it's hard to gag down, but if you look for green tea with jasmine in it, it's much more mellow tasting. Did you know green tea is loaded with vitamin c? Good lord, just google health benefits of green tea and you will be astounded. I also started taking a multi vitamin, 1000 mg of vitamin C, because I've heard you can't hurt yourself with too much vit. c like you can with some vitamins, and fish oil. The fish oil I have heard is a good substitute for that sunshine and vitamin D that we don't get in the winter. And do you know I have not been sick once this fall, despite all the stress I've been under, and the fact that the boy has been sick a couple of times. (He's not taking the vitamins with me.) And the one day I did think I was getting sick, I took extra vitamin C and it was totally gone the next day. AND I swear the vitamin c is helping with my allergies. I noticed when I added the extra C to the mix that my allergies are much, much better.

I swear I am not selling Amway or any other kind of vitamin. Just telling you about the success I've had with them.

I'm glad you're a little better, just give your body time to catch up, it's been fighting that cold so it needs extra TLC right now.

lovins & sorry for the book,

Miss Purdue said...

Uncle Brad you're fab. Thanks for your love and support. I'm taking your advice and I promise I'll relax...

Now - who said dog walking wasn't cardio? Gees - when I have to pick up my golden retriever's poop, whilst out walking, I count that as resistence training.

Motivation? There's some kind of saying about just getting started and then the motivation will follow. You know, by some wise philosopher, ummmm, oh yeah - I remember. Nike. "Just do it".

Cheryl said...

You are so smart...lovely and pretty? Flattery will get you everywhere!

i7thnieto said...

You haven't quit smoking? what?????????????????????

Summer said...

Did you survive today?