Thursday, September 11, 2008

Strange Fruit


tt said...

All those pictures brought back a flood of memories for me. Some good. Some not so good. The 60's and 70' times for sure. I'm glad we're past some of that. Of course, we keep making more odd memories don't we.
Yep...interesting for sure.

Mama Llama said...

Wow. What a song, what a show. Are we really past that? Or have we just learned to 'hide' it better?

Thank you, Brad. Be well--and peace today.

Jay said...

I loved the movie "Hair"

I would loved to have seen it on stage too.

Ruth Hull Chatlien said...

What an interesting historical overview. The countercultural movement certainly had less of a permanent pacifist impact than it intended. How chilling that the slide show ended with McCain, an old Cold Warrior trying (imho) to take us back to that mindset.

I guess you can tell who's getting my vote.

Unknown said...

Okay buddy! Did you have a sip of the secret sauce or something.

Mary said...

Did I ever mention that Berkley was my first college experience and also my first experience at being away from home? Some of the pics brought back memories.

I haven't always been an old fart.

Scarlet said...

The best part of this was the Romero Britto art. I love his work!

Gin said...

Wow, that really took me back! As tt said, some bad memories and some good. Some anger, some happiness.

Jamie said...

Haven't seen those images for awhile, or heard the music. Thank you. Hugs.

Jenny said...

Far out, Man.

susi said...

Hello again,
Just a note to let you know that I have given you an "I love your blog" award which can be collected from my place.

Leann said...

God Bless America

zirelda said...

What a way to tie the last 40 years in together.

Good post Brad.

Mon said...

That song really takes me back. It's hard to believe how much has changed since then, some good, some bad..

desert dirt diva said...

I only got to see the peace sign and it was very cool!~what happened to the rest?

desert dirt diva said...

thanks brad, well i was only a kid for the most part of those pic.. but still thought this was very hmmmmmmmmm diffrent....loved the pics of the did a great job rounding up all the photos