Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Have you ever had a thought or feeling just kind of come over you oh so slowly, and that takes a while or it to gel in your head? I've been feeling a bit 'loose at the moorings' lately and I think I've finally figured it out. It's the job. It's not like I don't like my job, lord knows I have it pretty cushy. It's just that at 45, and having done this for a few years I'm wondering if this is really what I want to be doing for, oh say the next decade+.

I like the work and I like what I'm doing but I'm wondering if it's enough. I guess I got used to being the big bread winner. There is a certain power to it. With out it there's a feeling of vulnerability.

The business is good, in fact better than it's ever been. I know this is due in large part to Jay's efforts. In reality this is probably the best way for the two of us to insure our future and hopefully retirement. I'm just feeling like I have less 'power' than I once did.

I think part of what brought this feeling on was the whole office relocation and they way it was done. at the end of the day Jay and his partner are "the bosses" and what we do in the business is their call. What I don't like is the feeling of dependence.

One of the upsides to my career at The Evil Coffee Empire was that I had been there for so long. I was the answer guy to many people including the last couple of bosses I had there. I knew the ins and outs of the business and how to get things done. I knew where all the bodies were buried and that made me a hero sometimes. That's a difficult narcotic to give up.

I also think about the worse case scenarios. What if something happened to Jay and my relationship? (God forbid) What if something happen to Jay and he couldn't work? I think I need to spend some energy making a fall back plan for myself but doing that will be tricky. How do you do that with out making others feel like your not there 100%? It's easy to think it will be OK just by communicating but I have a feeling there would still be underlying feelings that I'm not being a 'team player'.

If you can't tell already I'm thinking this through as I type it. Sometimes this is a great way to get it out.

I don't for a minute miss all the 'challenges' of working in a corporate job. I'm sure I don't even remember how much I hated all the political BS that went with a job like that. Time has it's way of smoothing out the roughest parts of the past in your memory. I had lunch a week or o ago with some of my old cronies and I wasn't surprised that the place is almost exactly like it was when I left, just different people in the senior management roles trying the same crap that has been tried before. It was interesting to sit at lunch and listen to my friends gripe about it. One gut reaction was to say "why the hell are you still there?" but I know some people don't feel they have the choice to leave a good paying job with families to support.

I guess just thinking this is the first step. The next step is maybe just taking baby steps to put some more security around me so I don't feel like I'm not in control. More to ponder...

So that's where my head is this morning.

Moohaa suggested yesterday that I post a Bear pic for lack of anything else to post. She's right. I haven't bored anyone one with 'the light of my life' for a while. I'll see if 'His Nibs' is up for posing when I get home tonight.

Have a good day.
Wash your hands its cold & flu season.
Play nice with others.



Moohaa said...

I've had the exact same thoughts as you. Unlike you, I've been an at home mom for 8 years, meaning I haven't been out in the world working for that long. I worry what I would do if something happened to Roger. I would be screwed. I also have dealt with hating the dependency issue. He's always been the bread winner. That's why I'm hoping I can keep writing books that people likes. Maybe this is my alternate plan. :)

I washed my hands.

Looking forward to seeing my furry friend.

fiwa said...

It's a hard thing to feel like you don't have equal power in a relationship. I'm emotionally overwhelmed right now, sounds like you are too. *Hugs*

Ruth Hull Chatlien said...

First, thanks for your suggestion about the phone software. Now I remember the installers saying something about forwarding calls. I just sort of blew it off, but now I realized it would have helped the anxiety the last four days. The repair techs found two separate problems, so I'm hoping we're ok now.

Finding the right balance in relationships is tough . . . and it's something that constantly has to be revisited because people grow and change. I'll be rooting for you as you sort through this stuff.

As for your own work / identity needs, you might want to read this book. It helped me when I was in a transition. Crossing the Unknown Sea

desert dirt diva said...

hmmmmmmmmm well this is tough, i would love to find more a job that brings more money, but with my no experince in anything, but being a mom, and working with kids..as a noon duty because when i was a teenager i "new that a diploma" would not be for me...20 some years later i relize how wrong i was...so do what you feel in heart would be right for you...

meno said...

Making and implementing a back-up plan is essential.

Good things to think about. That's the first step.

Joni Dixon-Stanger said...

We all need back up plans..I'm not so good at making them but I will be interested to see what you are thinking.

Cheryl said...

I'm wondering if Jay knows what's going on in your head. Are you sharing your frustrations? Relationships are so complicated. Most of the time I'm glad I'm not in one. I'm sure with you, what you do in the business is essential. Do you both get paychecks? It sounds to me like you need a challenge. Keep working it out. And talking out loud to us.

Jay said...

I think everyone should always be thinking about protecting himself/herself in any relationship/job/situation. And putting together some kind of plan, even if it's a loose outline or whatever is a good idea.

Mary said...

I agree with Cheryl. Communication is the key to any solid relationship. I also agree with Jay that we all need a backup plan. Can you find a way to combine the two?

bonnie said...

I wash my hands all the time and it didn't work. Do I have to use antibacterial soap?

I love that you share in the moment of thinking it through. As essential as communication is, this process is very personal. I think it's really important to examine what you want in your biography. In my earlier marital years, I was the breadwinner. Then I had a BABY and the struggle of redefining our relationship was PAINFUL. It's a lot of work taking care of yourself and your relationship, and your dog.

zirelda said...

I can't ever go back to dependence. Course my experience in dependency was not a good thing. :) I am also the answer guy in any job I've ever had and I like it that way so it's going to stay that way.

Well not to mention I am the only breadwinner. So really there's not much choice but even if there were I'd have to make my own way.

CRUSTY MOM-E said...

don't forget to get the flu shot! :)

and btw, I've always wanted to go to Mykonos-=-so let's all plan a trip there!


Unknown said...

Well buddy I'm no advice expert, but I will say do what feels natural and everything else will fall into place.

Jamie said...

I'm right there with ya, you know?

Happy...whatever. Hugs.


tt said...

Before I became my parents 'beck and call girl', I used to widh everyday that I could quit my bank job and do something less hectic...or find something w/o so much B***sh*t. Now that I've left the bank...I find myself wishing I was back there in the frey and B/S. Odd. but I guess it's natural to want something other than what we have at the present. Whenever I talk to people at the bank and get filled in on all the latest gossip and such, I'm glad I'm gone. Catch 22 I think. whatever.
Back up plans are essential though. It's tough to come up with one sometimes.
Good luck with that.