Wednesday, August 13, 2008


I found no mischief to get into yesterday, yet another sign of advancing years I suppose. I'll have to double my efforts and try again today.

Lolli has had some great news. Her old Band (rock) has reformulated after a few years apart with some new members and some of the old. They had their first rehearsal last night and it sounds like it really went well. She thought highly of the new band leader which is good, and the already have a few gigs lined up. They open for 'The Little River Band' in a few weeks. It will be great to see her back on stage and performing again.

My cousin Alice will be here next Monday to stay with us a few days. She's moving back from Anchorage to Salem to be closer to her mom, my Auntie. It will be good to spend some time with her. This is my paternal side of the family, of the 9 cousins born in our generation only 4 of us survive. My sister and I, Alice and James. My poor Aunties have had more heartache in their lives than anyone deserves. They are great ladies.

My Mom & Matt are back from the lake cabin, I know this because Matt, my stepfather was meeting his golf buddy in my driveway as I left for work this morning. He seems to think our centrally located, large front drive is open for business. I'm going to get one of those metal boxes that you cram dollar bills into at parking lots and some barrels with steel cables and locks.

I was very happy to learn last night that Happyone (bless her) succumbed to my near begging and with the lucky hand of her Kenny drawing my name I won the Afghan she just finished. I am shameless, but I couldn't resist. She used my favorite colors and it has an awesome design. Stop by and take a look (scroll down a bit) and read a blogger who makes me smile everyday. Thanks Happyone!

Another relatively slow day here at the office. I'm thinking I'll take myself to lunch today and go down and eat by the lake. Lake Washington is literally at the end of the street here. I brought my camera so I'll take some pics and post them tonight.

I think I'll wander over and bug fiwa on IM and see what she's up to. Did you see her new layout? Big changes over there at 'Do You Speak Fiwaese'

Have a great day everyone!



Joni Dixon-Stanger said...

Congrats on the afghan. I have several that my Grams made for me and they are so special to me. Hope you had a great lunch.

fiwa said...

Oh cool - I need to go over to HappyOne's and take a look at your afghan.

yay for Lolli and the band - that's great.


CRUSTY MOM-E said...

very very awesome! Happy winnings!!

I did see her change and actually need her help with changing mine!!

I'll chat later,

Jay said...

Congrats on your impressive victory.

You always seem to have people in and out of your house. It must be a really comfortable place to hang out at.

Mo said...

How was lunch? Today would have been perfect down by the water.

Congrats on the win.

Yay for the afghan!

Happyone said...

Your welcome Brad and thanks for the kind words. Your afghan is in the mail and on the way to you.
Hope you enjoyed your lunch down by the lake.

Unknown said...

Man you have one hell of a family. I think you have more family members and guest at your house than a hotel. Seems like there is always a party @ Waconda Road.

Moohaa said...

Neato on the afghan. Too cool. You do have a lot of family don't you! Wow. I couldn't stand being around my family that much. ;P

bonnie said...

You won the afgan????? Wow!!! I can't wait to see it. I love your comment about the metal money box. I don't think I've ever seen you mention your mom before, but then I've been a little out of touch. xoxoxoxo