Wednesday, August 13, 2008

We took the kids for a walk tonight


meno said...

The kids! Heh.

Cheryl said...

Almost literally, huh?

Congrats on winning Karen's afghan. I have a couple of kitchen 'rags' she made me and I love them.

Good news on Lolli. I'm really impressed that she's starting back at doing something she loves. Rock on!

I'm tired...been reading blogs tonight. I hate to be so far behind. I'm watching the Olympics and reading. How's your night?

Mo said...

Lovely pictures of the kiddos!

Moohaa said...

hehehe Too cute! The family outing. Great pics of the end of the day.

Love ya!

bonnie said...

That's so cool. Does Bear herd them at all?

tt said...

I always love pics of the furkids!
makes me smile :)

Miss Purdue said...

Hey there Uncle Brad,
Yes Miss Purdue hasn't fallen off the edge of the planet!!

Well the update -

I'm well. Baby due in ten days. Maternity leave doing wonders for my sanity and sense of well being.

Now the bad news - Matthew's (husband) Mum rushed to Canberra hospital with a burst annurism (spelling?) in her brain. Completely sudden and unexpected aged 55. Just leaving work during lunch break and then collapsed. Has had major surgery but is being watched tonight to see if another problem doesn't develop or signs of stroke etc.

I'm here at home with Mum, not able to travel so far and not wanting to cause further stress. Mum is in plaster, still recovering from her fall in Bali earlier this year and the recent corrective surgery she needed.

I know I've leant heavily on you to get me through this, so far already, but I need some more good vibes please mate.

I do have one piece of good news though - a publisher has picked up my book. I've already signed a contract and been paid an advance! It's a dream come true for me and the whole process somehow consumed the month of July for me which is why I haven't been blogging.

I haven't even read your updates. I hope everything's going great guns for you and I'll try to keep in touch.

Love ya buddy,

L said...

The kids are adorable!

Happyone said...

That's really cool - walking the kids. Do they actually walk along with you like a dog?

fiwa said...

lol... that is too cute.

Minnie said...

Sigh:o))) It all looks so peaceful there.

Mama Llama said...


Be well...

Baah, woof and etc.

Unknown said...

Goats included?