Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Plain Old Tuesday

I had one of those dreams last night with a cast of thousands, well not literally but I dreamt of people who I had not thought about in some time. I can remember in the dream being excited to see the different people. So today I'm going to try and google some of them and see if I can track anyone down. Surely the dream was for a reason right?

This is a good day to do google searches. I think I have about 15 minutes of paper work to do today and then beyond answering the phone it's pretty much a goof off day. I suppose I could make up some busy work but my natural tendencies to slack will thwart that I'm sure. I'll save the 15 minutes of paper work for when the guys are in the office later today. You know to "look busy".

Jay & Al are hot on the trail of moving the business to a new larger office with more warehouse space. We've been looking in the area of Seattle called SODO which is the industrial area just south of downtown, where most of our customers are. It's a funky mix of a neighborhood. (it's where I took picture of the equipment lift a few weeks back) Most of the heavy industries have moved out of the area as the rents are too high to have large warehouse or manufacturing space that close to downtown. Those old spaces are being converted into office retail space with a funky kinda edge to it. I'm all for moving to this part of town as it's only about 10 minutes from home. Well lately the 'boys' have been looking at spaces down in the Kent Valley. Boring, boring Kent Valley. It once was old truck farms all the way down the valley when I was a boy. Now it's acre upon acre of warehouse. Boring. There are still some of the old farms hanging on but that's about it. I've started my own campaign to squelch this idea. I need to put some work into my battle plan.

The weather today is fair, it's suppose to be about 75* pretty cool for August. It's suppose to warm up later this week so maybe that will get the phones ringing. Thank god for Jay's new install jobs, this summers residential service calls have really been sluggish. With the exception of the more well to do customers people seem to be putting off spending money this year, understandably.

I'll wrap this up here as I don't seem to have anything particularly entertaining to tell you. I'll try to get into some mischief and report back later.

Have a great day !


Bigrob said...

miss lilly gets her carrier back today

fiwa said...

Kent would probably be a lot cheaper though, no?

I hope you found some mischief to get into.

lovins -
fiwa :)

Summer said...

It's so good to read you. I would love a goof off day with you. Love you sugah.

Mama Llama said...

Sometimes plain ol' Tuesdays are one heck of a lot better than eventful ones...those events can cause lots of trouble.

Hope you are staying out of too much mischief! Have fun, and be well.

Joni Dixon-Stanger said...

I love the comment about "looking busy". I am so good at that sometimes. Even when I have a ton of work and just don't feel like doing it, I know how to give the "appearance" of being hard at work and luckily my office is the very last of the building so I don't get alot of pass by traffic.

Moohaa said...

Hey you! I'm glad you had an easy day. I think I was busy enough for the both of us. Oy, has it been a long day. But I did manage to sneak in a much-needed manicure, so hey, it can't be all bad.

Love ya!

Happyone said...

When next you visit my blog there is something there for you. :-)

desert dirt diva said...

well i keep having dreams about one ols friend inpaticular and have googled her but nothing come up....so i wish you the best in your quest!

Gin said...

Hope you had fun looking up old friends...that could be interesting!

Are you well Brad? How is the root canal doing?

Smocha said...

Tell them you are way too young to be stuck in the boring Kent valley!

I vote for the funky area! Sounds awesome.

P.s. I posted all about the crown process for you:)