Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Working from home

I tried to be strong and tough it out without the pain meds overnight. I woke up at about 5:00 am and had to take one. So driving is out and I'm working from home.

Malc's tagged me with a meme but we'll get to that in a moment.

We've had Humming Birds at the fountain by the front steps this summer. Two and three at a time. They've always been a favorite of mine. I've been trying to get pics for the last couple of weeks. I was finally able to get some decent ones. Here's a few of my little green friends.

On to the meme Malc's tagged me with:

Five things I've always wanted:
* A small snug cabin in the woods by a stream with a big river rock fireplace
* A summer to tour the U.K.
* A mortgage burning party (my own)
* A Harley
* A ride in a blimp

Five things I'm currently into:
* Painting ceramics
* Trying to find a billy goat for the 'ladies'
* Old coins and bank notes
* Roses
* Better life through dental care

Five favourite things in my room:
* My bed
* The quilt Great-Grandmother Ross made me when i was a baby.
* My Eastlake style dresser
* Bear's bed

It's a very Spartan room.

Five things in my pockets:
* My wallet
* 37 cents
* cell phone
* Hankerchief
* My hands (frequently, but not in a pervy kinda way)

I'm still doped up and currently not in pain. My first drill and fill session is Monday morning at 8:00. I'll be keeping an eye on the pain med supply to make sure I don't run out over the forth.

Apologies in advance if I've left you spacey comments.


meno said...

But i LIKE spacey comments.

Never try to tough it out without the pain meds. How many times in your life can you legitimately get stoned?

Moohaa said...

Spacey comments are the best. I sure hope you make it thru this with plenty of meds to keep you pain free. Love you!

fiwa said...

Don't you just love the humming birds? I have never seen more than two at a time though.

Ok, you couldn't come up with 5 things in your room? Good god I must need to purge. I, uh... well I could list over 100 things, easily. :-|

Golden To Silver Val said...

I'm so sorry you're in all this mess. Well, nothing is forever....so before you know it you'll be good as new. Take care and feel better soon....the pain pills will help pave the way. Spacey is good once in a while. Big hugs.

bonnie said...

Will you look at that big sucker? Wow. What attracts the hummingbird to that fountain? You feelin better? I'm ouching over here for you.

Summer said...

I'm glad you're ok my Bradley. I love the pictures and the meme. You're my kind of guy.

Sweet dreams.

Summer said...

BTW...do you have BCBG's new blog addy? Let me know. She says I can give it to anyone I trust and that would be you.

Cheryl said...

I loved reading the comments you left yesterday :). Happy and space-y.

Jay said...

Love the hummingbird pics. I tried to get some hummingbird pics last summer, but they just wouldn't cooperate at all.

I always do the same thing with the pain meds. Try be Mr. Tough and not take any and then end up needing a couple.

Of course, I have a plan when I do that though. I want to save them so that I can take them when I'm not in any pain and can enjoy them more.

Kids, don't try this at home.

Happyone said...

I love the hummingbirds too. They are just so cool. I've had some around my house but not at the feeders, they seem to like my flowers this year. :-)

Mo said...

Hummingbirds are amazing creatures aren't they?

Take those pain meds. That is what they are there for!

Spacey comments rock. Keep 'em coming if you feel like it.

Hope you get to feeling better soon. Dental work and tooth pain suck.

Leann said...

Those little guys are difficult to photograph cause they move so darned fast!!

Jamie said...

Oh Brad, you make me laugh, but I realize you weren't trying to...the pervy comment was good.

I love your photos - i have tried to get hummingbird photos and they never come out, I guess im not fast enough.

I hope today is a better day for you. Hang in, brother.



zirelda said...

You poor guy. The hummers are way cute.

Gin said...

Your hummer shots are great!!! I love how they hang out at your fountain! Aren't they just the neatest birds!!!

"but not in a pervy kinda way"...Brad you crack me up!!! I loved reading your meme!

Hope you're feeling better soon!

Hope4Grace said...

I actually think your quite adorable when drugged and freely roaming the internet. You are keeper. And I agree on dental care, dang, I got me a chipped tooth

Scarlet said...

"Not in a pervy kind of way." LOL - I'm glad you cleared that up because after the books I've been reading, I was thinking pervy. ;) (J/K)

I'm glad to see you're feeling good enough to do this meme. Old coins and bank notes are interesting things to be into. Any photos??

SOUL said...

i love hummingbirds too. but not in a pervy kinda way :))
hope ya get your pain all fixed up soon.

Mama Llama said...

ugh...i have really got some catching up to do. I sure do hope youre feeling better soon. Be well,Brad.