Friday, July 18, 2008

Thoughts on Blogging

Blogging is a funny thing. I've been thinking about it for a while now. We definitely all have our own styles. I'm always reticent to post if I don't think I have something interesting or entertaining to write about. But on the other side of the coin I'll put up a picture post when I feel like I should post something and I have nothing really to say. Part of the reason I blog is because I like the attention. As in I find it amazing anyone wants to read or see what I'm doing or thinking. I'm not even that good of a writer. Lord knows my grammar sucks.

On the other hand some of my favorite bloggers write basically summations of their day and really keep it like a journal. I love reading those too. I love to know what you all have been up to today. But my day seems so boring I don't know how to post it. I guess that's ok, again were all individuals and it's reflected in what we post.

Some of my "real life" friends just don't get it. I really care about my blogger friends. They don't understand that you are REAL friends. A few of you I have close enough that I can actually meet, most I can't. But your all very important to me. When one of you are suffering something, be it a day to day annoyance or something really big time, it's as real to me as if you we're my next door neighbor or best friend. I know from your support that you feel the same.

I wonder about how we all practically blog. We all must have our own styles. I open e-mail to see who has commented and read the comment. Open Google Reader to see who has posted. Open my own blog to click your blog and comment. How do you blog ?

I wonder about the randomness of Blogger. Why is it I'm 'remembered' on some blogs and have to enter my blogger user name and password on others. I know it must have to do with the way we initially set up our blogs but I'm just too dang lazy to go read and figure it out.

I wonder why it is I can use the back up arrow to move back from websites but not others? (Jay, Cynical Bastard big red finger pointed at you!) Is it just me ? My computer ?

I know I've said it before, and I'll say it again but this is my second blog, the people I met first time around were fine but the experience pales in comparison with the group I fell in with this time.

I love you all.


Moohaa said...

Great question. It's interesting to hear all the different ways people use their blog. I go to my blog (I have it bookmarked) and I read my comments there. I use my Blog List to see who's posted recently. Before, I would literally click on every link in my sidebar and check each blog to see who posted. Obviously, I am really loving the whole Blog List thing. I've wondered how people email from the comments, and I think I've figured it out, you must have some setting that emails you the comments. I prefer reading them on my actual blog, I love seeing the number and it's like a small gift for the day to read and savor each comment from my friends.

I hear you, though, my friends don't get it either. Heck my own hubby doesn't really get it, but he loves that I love it, so there you go.

Sorry about the novel! I loved this post. Bravo you.

Love and hugs!

Moohaa said...

Also, now that I use the Blog List, when I click on someones link, it opens a tab, so it's as easy as closing the tab and going to the next one, so there's no back button and so on. That was frustrating.

Cheryl said...

Great post Mr. Brad. It's Saturday morning and I should be getting ready for work, so I can't really respond here. I might just write a post about it later. I will say that only us bloggers realize that real friendships are made here. We have a great circle of friends, and my life is much fuller because of it. It will be interesting to read the comments you get here, so I'll be back. Have a great Saturday. I'll be working, having my latte, then going to Sherwood. A good day. Hope your's is fine too.

Cheryl said...

PS. The attention thing is great too!

zirelda said...

I think you rock and I enjoy reading about what you do and your life Brad. Sometimes I pick something that happens in my day that strikes me as funny or interesting and if I think about it long enough I can spin a yarn. Other times my mind is so exhausted it's better to simply post a picture or not post at all.

I keep the blogs I like to read at the side so I can open them all at once and read them when I can. Early mornings on the weekends is the best time.

I'm so nosy. :) And the blogs I read give me wonderful glimpses into other lives.

Jay said...

I've often said I really didn't know what to expect when I started blogging, but it has turned out way different than I could have ever imagined. I've met some really amazing people and it is weird how you do start to feel close to blog friends, even though you haven't met them and may NEVER meet them.

The only thing I was hoping for was to read some good blogs and maybe meet a few people with different lives and backgrounds from me. I can't believe how well that has worked out!

Anyway, I have all my blogs in Google Reader. When go to my reader I see who all has posted and then when I click on their blog it opens in a new window. It works beautifully.

As for reading my comments, I just go straight to my blog and check comments that way. Sometimes if I get way behind I open my note pad and put it side-by-side with the comment dialog box and go down the list responding. Then copy and paste my responses to comments that way.

Also, when I write a post I write it Word, then copy and paste it into Blogger. This way Blogger doesn't get the chance to eat my blog post.

susi said...

Since 1998 (when we first got a computer) we've had a website about our sheep and hens. We'd always got a few e-mails each week about these but at the end of last year it started going mad - dozens of e-mails (I think something to do with a lot of publicity about animal welfare, rare breeds, green issues etc here).

Anyway, it occurred to me that the websites were okay but a bit static (actually a lot static) so I started another one which was an on-line diary. This was a lot of work to keep up - I could spend time writing code on dark winter nights but not in the summer. So I moved to Google.

I'd no idea that so many people write these things - it's fascinating.

P.S. That live traffic feed is an entertainment - I never know where I am until I look at it, today's guess is Nottingham. Does it get the US ones right?

Golden To Silver Val said...

I visit each blog listed in my sidebar and read their post. If I'm at home I make comments then but if I'm at work, where I can't comment, I have to wait until later. And YES..I have the same problem with Jay's sort of grabs you in a bear hug and won't let you go BACK via the back arrow. I've had the same problem with Andrew's, but not every time.
I'm bad about not posting unless I feel that something has happened that is interesting. I wish I had Soul's gift of writing about nothing at all and having it come out entertaining.
Our blogging circle is important to me and I find myself thinking of my different blogger friends and worrying about them or else feeling happy for them if they've achieved something they want. We are all very real and maybe that sounds strange to someone who doesn't blog...but it makes perfect sense to those of us who do. Love you too, Brad. XXXOO

Mo said...

Love you too.

Glad you gave blogging a second chance otherwise we never would have met. And I am eagerly waiting the day when I get to lay eyes on you and breathe the same air. No, I am not a stalker. You know what I am talking about. :)

My IRL friends get the blogging friend connection. As a matter of fact, sometimes we even talk about y'all. In a good way of course.

As for my blogging style, I'm kinda old school.

Maybe one of these days I will go high tech and subscribe to a reader or rss feed but for now I go to each site and check it out.

Mine is a journal. The primary reason I started blogging was so my friends, and now family, could keep up with what I was doing, what I was thinking, etc. as I canvassed around the country doing what I do for a living.

My life is so much more better as a result of this little world in which we live.

Happyone said...

I agree with all you said about blogging.
I started blogging as a way for family and friends to know what I've been up too. Never knew this other world was here and people would actually want to read about my life.
My blog is my journal.
I have all the blogs I read in Google Reader.
I am so happy that I am part of this blogging world!!!

tt said...

yep.. it seems you and I were on the same wave path on this post. See...that's why I totally get you. I too am amazed at my feelings for some of my bloggie friends. I get anxious at times wondering when I'll be able to read them and find out how their day went. You're a prime example. I think this blog thing is a way for people to connect who would otherwise not get the chance to but are SUPPOSED to connect. Make since? I have the same problem with jay (cynical bastard) blog. I can't get out of it with my back button. weird.
Most of my IRL friends do not get this at all. In fact, they don't read mine either. I'm fine with it though. To each its own.
When I read what you put on RLL blog " I'll love you now and learn you later"....I instantly felt like I had heard that before...but I know I hadn't....and felt completely drawn to you. Who knows, maybe in another life we were close....and now we've found each other again. Maybe?
I'm grateful to you and your blog.
I love you too!

Gin said...

And isn't it cool how bloggers move from one blog to another and we have sort of a circle. I see many of the same people commenting on your blog that visit mine. It's a neat vibe!!

I love the idea of telling how we blog...I may steal this idea as a blog post one of these days!!

Love you too Brad!

bonnie said...

Hi Brad, I have been having trouble posting this summer. I guess I'm not surprised. summer has always been a wildly active time for me. My mail receives the comments but not your email addresses so I haven't the ease of responding. I don't like google reader. I could never get used to it. I prefer my sidebar. Even people who publish articles about blogging miss what we have in our circle of friends. Everything I've ever read trashes bloggers as liars, storytellers, and manufacturers of fictitious lives. Why bother? Love you. xoxoxo, B

Smocha said...

Great post Brad.I am shocked to say "I" don't even know what google reader is.

I began reading blogs way back in the 90's when we had our first computer. Back then ,they were actually called "online diaries"

Mine IS kind of my diary. I think of it as history in the making. I have read diaries of slaves, pioneers,prisoners of war(s),all fascinating.
I hope that some day I will have a grandchild who loves history and will be thrilled to have my old (boring)blog.

This is my second blog as well. My husband said the first had "too much personal info" so I started over.

I go down the list on my blog ,which is now alphabetical,and see who's updated.I comment ,depending on how busy I am at the time.Sometimes having to come back later to comment.

My husband doesn't get the whole blog thing. But I sure love it.My morning coffee would never be the same without all of your blogs :)

Happy Sunday:)

Jamie said...

Ditto Darlin.


Hope4Grace said...

You completely rock. You are the top of my everyday reading! Even though I only read M-F when I'm at work. Don't ever be tempted to hire me, this is how I start my day, lol.

I use reader now (you mentioned it before and got me hooked). But only to see who has something new, then I go to their page to read it and comment. I like reading it off their page, as it's THEIR design and feel, you know.

Mima said...

Brad what a great post, I had no idea that this was your second go at blogging, although I'm glad that you did so I got the chance to meet you!

I started blogging as a way to keep family and friends up to date with what was going on, and actually blogged away quite happily for a couple of years before discovering the world of comments and other peoples blogs! Crazy huh!!

I use a feed reader that tells me at the bottom of my firefox window when a new post has come out for a couple of blogs, but mainly I follow back to peoples blogs who have commented on mine. I had got lots of blogs on feed, but I found that I just couldn't keep up so had to find another way! I really enjoy the glimpses into other peoples lives, and some of my blogger friends have now become RL friends too, just makes you wish that everyone lived closer doesn't it!

CRUSTY MOM-E said...

THE DAMN BACK UP ARROW! I KNOW! I Wonder that all the time with some blogs--not yours-- *yours works* lol

I completely agree with you about our outside friends they give me a hard time too--well the ones that know I blog--my brian is the only one that understands that no matter physical or through electronic webs, people are people and people hurt.

I guess I summed it up to jealousy with our outside folks and not about the amount of people that "love you to pieces" but because you're putting your life out there whereas so many people go day by day working and then watching tv..

you are connecting yourself..and I'm sooooo glad you have because you will always be a valuable person to me.

now, come to chicago, K? :)
