Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Random Thoughts

Why is it that all the major TV networks can't put out anything but low budget reality shows and rip offs of British sit-coms? What happened to the tradition of All in the family, The Carol Burnett Show, Mary Tyler Moore, Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman, all those shows who actually employed writers who actually wrote?

Where are the decent movies? I'm not talking 'decent' as in "R' ratings or 'X" ratings, but the ones that draw you in, suck you up and hold ya? Who's making movies like that?

What the hec happened to Broadway? Can we not have a hit not ripped off from a cheap movie? "Legally Blonde, The Opera" - Really? WTH?

I take more pleasure hanging out here with you all rather than paying attention to the the main stream media.

I guess I'm becoming a grouchy old man.

Hey! Get off my lawn!


Mary said...

I have no answers to your questions. If you find an answer, please let me know.

Summer said...

I feel the same way. I'm thinking about putting the TV in my bedroom out on the curb.

Scarlet said...

First of all, if I ever stepped foot on your lawn, there'd be so much to see and I'd be so thrilled to look at all your farm animals and landscape, I'd have a tough time staying off your property. :)

Secondly, weren't all those 70s shows witty and wonderful? Even the reruns, all these years later, are better than some of the new stuff out there. I must say, the show, Two and a Half Men, has pretty good writers though.

Real Live Lesbian said...

I'd rather play with the puppies, chickens and goats ANY DAY! Your house looks like so much fun!

TV just sucks.

Golden To Silver Val said...

I was complaining about this very thing just last week. I have nearly 200 channels on cable and absolutely NOTHING good to watch. Oh how I miss those old shows....Remember Moonlighting? One of my favorites. And Carol Burnett...OMG sometimes I would laugh so hard I couldn't even breathe. Where are all those talented writers now. I'm SOOOOOOO sick of reality shows and DANCING shows. Remember Allie McBeal? Some good writing went into that at times. This is why I read so much...nothing on TV, I just pick up a book! Hugs to you.

Happyone said...

I feel the same way about television that's why we really did get rid of our television.

Thanks for those kind words you left on my blog. You really made my day. :-)

zirelda said...

lol, the old man who collects all the balls the children are too afraid to come and get....

I haven't watched tv since My Name Is Earl is over. The last movie I really loved was Second Hand Lions and I haven't been to the movies in forever. Oh well. Too many other things to do and I'm glad to have them.

Happy Thursday Brad!

meno said...

I paid actual cash money last night to see Sex and The City.

What a steaming pile of crap.

Want to bet there's a sequel?

Mo said...

Turning the hose on me like that wasn't necessary old man. ;)

Love you, mean it.

Jay said...

Most of what they are making in Hollywood really sucks. What I really hate is that they spend so much money on so many movies that they know are crap, but they keep making them anyway. Then they gripe that they can't afford to do the big, well-made epics anymore. They're such liars.

And the TV people are even worse. Remember the old day of the big epic mini-series? "Roots" and "Backstairs at the White House" and "Shogun" and all that great stuff? Why did they stop doing those?

Every year, when the new schedule comes out I'm lucky if I find one show I can even stand a little bit.

fiwa said...

I'm with everyone else above. LOVED The Carol Burnett show!!

I watch one t.v. show on Wednesday nights, and that's it. TV sucks. And movies too - the Happening, that I was so excited about, was awful. And I'm afraid to go see Sex & the City now since Meno said it's so bad. :(

You're not really going to chase me off the lawn, are you? I just came to poach an egg or two. ;)

lovins -

Moohaa said...

LOL you crack me up. And I agree with every rant you have. Absolutely!

Leann said...

I'm so sorry that I forgot to contact you while I was in Seattle. I never could get internet connection and in the frustration I got sidetracked. I'm bummed. I'll try again next time I'm up there in July.

tt said...

Ok...that made me remember some shows from the early 70's...remember the Tom Jones show??? OMG!! I had such a crush on that old fart. lol

I usually watch HGTV or TDC or TLC or THC. Can't go too wrong with those.
{{love the animals }}

So, which one of those chickens lays the red eggs??? And what's with that b & w one with the funny hair??? IS that a chicken too??

Mama Llama said...

Yo, Curmudgeon!

Yeah, YOU! (wink)

I was just talking with my mom about the death of Harvey Korman a few weeks back. He was one of those who defined for me what was funny--and one who grandparents, parents and children could sit down together in the same room, watch, and all find funny together. The ability to make us relate to each other, to laugh together, to even emote--that is rare to find anymore.

Nice post, Brad. Be well.

Gin said...

You are so right about TV, movies, and plays. Especially just isn't the same as it used to be! Sad, really.