Monday, June 30, 2008

Moohaa is my muse

Root Canals, Infection and Percocet
Two of them in my near future
Warm Fuzzy Feeling, Happy Couch


tt said...

So sorry kiddo! I just had a root canal on the 5th and have another scheduled after we get back from vacation!! I hate them....I'm feeling for ya...
I found a wee bit of Crown and Coke helps ;)

Hope4Grace said...

OMG, ask them to knock your butt out.....cause that sucks. I'm sending good thoughts your way.

Moohaa said...

I sure hope you're resting in your percocet cloud of happiness. I love ya!

meno said...

Gad! I expect some good drug induced posts from you.

Cheryl said...

Never had a root canal. When I had surgery my plan was to be in a Percocet and Valium cloud. It didn't happen. Glad to hear you've got that warm and fuzzy feeling. Or do I have it wrong? You've got the infection, and the root canal and Percocet are in your future? Or you have the Percocet and the root canal and infection are in your future? Maybe I'm the one that needs a muse?

And you broke your glasses? Can they be fixed or it it time for new ones?

Scarlet said...

Root canals, broken glasses, and prescription drugs...what next??


Hope you're feeling no pain at this point. Take care.

Summer said...

LOL @ Cheryl!

I'm thinking about you. As always.

Cheryl said...

I was pretty funny, huh?

Mo said...

Oh my poor Bradley. I remember that pain, not fondly. But the drugs? Good times and made the pain go buh bye.

If there is anything I can do, please be sure to let me know.

zirelda said...

Oh Brad. I just went through a root canal and a porcelean tooth. Here's sending you lots of good vibes.

SOUL said...

brad i sure hope you found your happy place-- with a little help from your dentists rx pad :))

jsut sayin hi buddy.
take care-

Jamie said...

I hope you are better this morning.



Jessica said...

Percocet is trippy! Avoid at all costs!!

I hope you feel better soon!

Cheryl said...

How are you feeling today? When do you get the deed done?

Real Live Lesbian said...

Feel better! Hope you're seeing today!

fiwa said...

Meno - he left drug induced comments that were pretty funny.

How's the toof today, any better?

Golden To Silver Val said...

Oh Ouchie!!! I'm so sorry. I KNOW that hurts (been there, done that). Root canals are not fun and unless on a front tooth, I doubt I'd ever do it again. Do as the dentist says and you'll be right as rain in no time....HONEST! Curl up with Miss Lilly and relax. Big hugs!

Malcolm Cinnamond said...

Just to add to your pain, I've tagged you. Get well soon matey.

bonnie said...

was that a haiku?

Gin said...

I've had two root canals and they suck!!! I think the worst thing about them (to me anyway) is having to have your mouth cranked open that long. My jaw always gives me fits afterward!

Hope you're feeling okay soon...poor baby!!