Monday, June 23, 2008

Little Things

I have a new office mate at work. He's not really much help but I thought it would be fun.

This is Ted. The Teddy-Bear hamster. Not the most creative name. But that wasn't my doing. Ted spends his fall, winter and spring months at Renton Park Elementary school in the classroom of our business partners youngest daughter. He'll be spending his summer with me.

He came to stay yesterday and I have to say I wasn't really impressed with our first day together today. He spent his day in his little house sleeping. I think he got up twice. Once to potty and once again to eat. He did give me a sniff and a sideways glance before retreating back to bed. I was waiting for him to do something cute so I could get a good picture. In the end I had to wake him and get him to pose. Not an easy thing to do with a hamster. I really need to spend more time with my new cameras manual. This was taken with the flash on. (?)

I also have a bird house outside my office's back door with a young family inside. Poppa birds quite busy managing the food delivery program. I've tried to peer in and see momma and babies, but don't want to get too close. I can sure hear them. Their little baby peeps are starting to sound like teenage birdie peeps so they should make an appearance soon.

OK, I'm boring myself so I'll end this post. I need to get to work on fiwa's Ipod Shuffle Game. as the deadline is Thursday. If you haven't heard about it (or fiwa) go check click the link and check it out. You have to scroll down because I'm 1) a dork and don't know how to link to a specific post and 2) to lazy right now to figure it out.

So check back for what will be yet another boring post!


Moohaa said...

Ted is very cute! I used to have a teddy bear hamster. We called him Turd. Cuz that's what he looked like going thru his tubes. He had HUGE tufts of hair sticking out everywhere. Kind of an Einstein appearance.

Enjoy your critters!

fiwa said...

Awwww... Ted is so cute! The alternative to sleeping is he could start running round n round n round on his wheel. That will start wearing on your nerves pretty quickly. :)

Ok, what am I doing wrong in the bird department? Everyone but me has nests! What kind of bird is it, do you know??

Strangely, I was not bored at all. I wonder why you always say that??

Readying the felt.

Jay said...

Hamsters and I have never gotten along all that well. Its me and not them though. I'm sure of that. ;-)

To link directly to a specific post simply click on the title of the post. That will take you to a page with only that post and the comments on it and you can use that URL in the little link box.

Damn, I'm so helpful. ;-)

Golden To Silver Val said...

awwww, he's soooooo cute. I think they sleep all day and run all night, don't they? I've never had one, so am not sure. (if I was more witty at this hour, I could've made a joke out of that line).
Talk to you soon sweetie. Smooches.
p.s. play the video I posted on my blog of George talking about cats. I still burst out laughing at it after all these years.

Mo said...

Ted is very cute. Maybe the better weather we're starting to have will make him be frisky for you.

I never had much luck with hamsters. They also bit me. Stinkers.

Mama Llama said...

I must join in the choruses of "awwwwws"...that is cute, but I'll betcha that little critter saw bright flashes all the rest of the day!

Nice to see you back in focus...!

Be well.

Summer said...

Are we related?

Jamie said...

Ted is adorable. Hopefully, he will perk up soon, although seriously, after a few days hanging out with you, I expect he will become the life of the party and quite seem to bring that out in everyone.

Happy Hump Day.


Real Live Lesbian said...

Ted is damn cute! He's one lucky hamster to get to summer with you guys!

Happyone said...

Oh, isn't Ted cute!! Hamsters like to sleep during the day and be up at night. Maybe if you put him someplace in the dark and he'll wake up. :-)
I love watching the whole baby bird process - I get to watch another family of Mourning Doves in my yard.

Hope4Grace said...

Don't let him run on the wheel 24/7, please for the Lord's sake......that is how my little "ted" hamster bit the dust. It's been 11.75 years and it's just too painful to get another.

I wish I were kidding....

He's really stinking cute!!

And you're not boring my dear, you're on summertime slow down.

L said...

Awwww he's so cute!

CRUSTY MOM-E said...

I LOVED What you said in the last line of the 2nd paragraph of your BBQ--so true!!

She made my boys (with the help of her boys) the lapbooks for my boys for our trip-=she truly is a gentle caring woman!

Happy hump day!
Mark and stephanie sound like the friends I hang around just have a connection and you're just so relaxed with them.

That's awesome, and HI!! to TED! Welcome!
Always your friend,

meno said...

Hamsters are nocturnal.

Which makes me wonder why they are supposed to be good pets.

But they are cute.

Gin said...

Cute lil guy! He really lucked out getting to be at "Camp Brad" all summer!

Your blogs are never boring. I love reading every word!!

I'm heading for the cabin today...have a good weekend!


dawn said...

okay, he is cute!
the perfect officemate if you ask me.

Scarlet said...

Teddy's adorable. I wonder why he's so quiet. Maybe he's just warming up to you. I'm sure you'll get better pics (even though this one is pretty cute!).

Enjoy him! Looking forward to hearing more about Ted's Excellent Adventure.

Jamie said...'s Friday!

Where are you?


CRUSTY MOM-E said...

How are you??
are you recreating a BRAD er I mean Bill and Ted's excellent adventures..:?

Elizabeth xo

Mima said...

Ted is really cute - my sister used to have a hamster when we were younger but he came to an unfortunate end at the hands of my cat, so if you have a cat, make sure that you keep them well apart! I'm sure he will keep you good company over the summer, if you really enjoy having him around you might end up deciding to get one for yourself!!

tt said...

I'll bet Miss Lilly and Bear would love to 'play' with ted if he had a ball.....of course someone would have'spring' him from his 'jail'...:)
have a great weekend!