Thursday, June 19, 2008

Dream Analysis Needed

I've got nothing tonight so I'll share this. I have a pretty active dream life but sometimes only remember snippets. I wonder how much I don't remember. Sometimes they just crack me up.

This is the one that woke me up this morning.

I was standing in the clothing department of the Sear's store on 1st Ave S. in Seattle. (It's the first floor of Starbucks Center where I worked so that parts easy to figure out)

Fiwa is there and sitting at a table in a meeting. In the middle of the sales floor. In the dream I know with out being told that she's in foster care, even though she's an adult. She's meeting with her foster mom and a judge. Which all seems perfectly normal in the dream. It's not just any judge, but Judge Judy. They're talking and talking and I'm looking on and leaning on a rack of sweaters. Fiwa looks over and I mouth to her "Hurry up! Let's go play" Fiwa mouths back "I'm trying"

Then I woke up.

It still cracks me up.

The mind is a strange and wonderful thing.

Any ideas ?


Jay said...

That's kinda weird. Judge Judy? Oh man, don't mess with her. She'll give you a verbal beat-down! haha

fiwa said...

I think you want to be my foster brother. ;)

Moohaa said...

Do you think that Fiwa is in a temporary situation that needs to change or in which a decision needs to be made? And it's very obvious that you enjoy her company.

I love dreams.

Keep pen and paper next to the bed and write down your dreams as soon as you wake up. I use unlined paper cuz I typically write before I can really open my eyes.

Jamie said...

What a funny dream. I love that you and Fiwa want to go play...

I think Kelly jene's idea with the paper by the bed is a good one. I should try that...although some of my dreams have been pretty scary.

Have a wonderful Friday Brad. :)

tt said...

dreams are ridiculous sometimes aren't they?! I've never been any good at figuring them out. i once had dream that my bosses husband was standing in the doorway of my kitchen asking for a glass of milk. I watched him drink it and then he left. Now, what was THAT about??? Pure silliness... :)

Hope4Grace said...

I'm thinking that you need some play time......relax time, down time to leave your adult responsiblities I'm gonna go to the local university and demand my higher degree, cause dang I'm good....who's next?

C.C. said...

You need to get together with Fiwa and play! Have a fun weekend!

Leann said...

Well obviously it's a dream that has a light mood to it despite the subject matter.

I'll go with the flow and say you need to go play!

Summer said...

What color were the sweaters?

Jamie said...

And how are you on this beautiful morning? (at least it is here in Iowa...)

Have a most awesome weekend friend.

fiwa said...

regarding iPod challenged... if you win you know I'm sending you felt, right? ;)

Golden To Silver Val said...

do YOU dream in color? You'd be surprised at how many people don't. I do. Now about interrupting Judge Judy....oh boy, THAT'S a big no-no. Glad you got away with it. LOL

Cheryl said...

What a great dream! I want the same one but with you in it. You and Fiwa, that is.

Cheryl said...

PS...I've been meaning to tell you this. Click on the youtube icon on your bears farm post and then click on the talking goat video. I can't tell you how much it cracks me up.

Mama Llama said...

That is good. I could get my analysis book out if you want... yes, I do have one. I've been analyzing Z's dreams now for a while...right, Z?! It's been fun...I'll start accepting scanned copies of hands next for basic palm reading.

Dude...I should up my rates.

Be well, Brad.

Gin said...

Brad sweetie I'm laughing about your dream! It's so weird how you can put things that happened to you during your waking hours into a dream and they make perfect sense, even tho they are disjointed and have nothing to do with each other in reality. If you think back on the days before your dream, you may be able to put the pieces together.

Wouldn't it be cool if we could "just know" things in real life, like we do in our dreams!!!