Friday, June 27, 2008


NOTE: Fiwa clued me into the fact that if you take down a post it still shows in Google Reader. I took this down last night because it was so negative. Also when Jay commented he didn't razz me so I knew it must really be bad and I do love to get razzed by Jay.

Bleh. It's a good word for my day. Woke up with a medium size headache that will only stay at bay with ample Tylenol. Annoying.

The major frustration of the day is my weakest tech. He's a total slacker and coming from me that saying alot. The guys been out sick for most of the month. He's got serious health issues. That wouldn't be so serious if he'd take care of himself. He takes his high blood pressure meds. sporadically and then he's surprised when it puts him into a tail spin. He's on meds for anxiety as well. He's been EKG'd twice in the last two weeks now and the Doc's have found an 'abnormality'. I have no idea what that means.

He's called in a few times this week wanting to go to work as he's running out of money. I've already paid out all his vaca time. He's sounded so whacked out I said there was nothing to do. I don't even want him in our van in that kinda shape. He called yesterday literally in tears because he's broke and wants to work. He was talking like he had a mouthful of marbles. I told him to come in this morning and he could ride with the junior tech and help out. Basically making up work for him.

He no-showed.

I called him at 1/4 after 8:00 and woke him up. He sounded completely strung out. I lost it. I'm not proud of what I said. I want to just go pick up his van because I don't want it in his possession. The problem is he's relative of a family friend of our business partners. We've been down this road so many times it's ridiculous.

If I could find a good replacement I'd insist we fire him. I've been looking online myself and had agencies looking for months (we do HVAC if ANYONE knows ANYONE) no luck so far. I'm just sick of dealing with it.

It's been kinda a shitty day for a few of us. Some of my nearest and dearest bloggers have been having a pretty crappy Thursday as well.

Pity party, table of ?

I got a service call from a cafe that's a tenant of one of our big customers. He called this morning at opening, to say their exhaust fans weren't working. Which would mean they wouldn't be able to stay open. We all eat there frequently and know him well. I pulled Jr. tech. off the job he was on and sent him over. It was fixed in about an hour. The bill came to $112.00. After Jr. left the manager of the cafe called me and asked if he could make payments on the bill. It kinda set me back on my heels. This is a going little concern and he's that strapped ? Things really are getting tight out there. I told him to just open a tab for our guys and let them eat it off. I felt so bad for him.

Alright - that's enough of that. Before I sat down to write this (read: dump this on you dear reader) I was trying to focus on the positive.

I came up the road below our house after work and found the normal gaggle of neighbor kids playing in the street. As collected the mail and newspaper they came running asking if they could come play with the goats and chickens. They are the most beautiful, smiling youngsters. Well mannered and bright. It makes me a bit nervous having them up here with out their folks. I've tried talking to the parents before but their Ethiopian immigrants with limited English. They tend to smile and agree a lot. I don't think they have a clue what I'm saying. I've told the kids no before because I'm concerned about the liability if they got hurt up here. Tonight I needed their bright shiny faces. It did help my spirits a lot.

So maybe that was the ying and yang of the day. I'll just focus on that.


Jay said...

Well sorry you had a crummy day. Some days are just like that I guess. Hopefully tomorrow will be better.

zirelda said...


You sound like you could use one.

I've been so flippin busy I haven't had time to even read posts and my own have suffered as well. Here's hoping Friday picks you up.

Jamie said...

I think you need a beer, dear Brad. It has been a rough one, hasn't it? I completely understand, I know those kind of days well.

I hope tomorrow is a brighter day.

Hugs, friend.


Summer said...

Kids are great aren't they?

Summer said...

I love Matt.

fiwa said...

Dump away, dear one. And then go have a beer, like Jamie said. :)

love u -
sister fiwa

meno said...

Dealing with the incompetent and clueless is always exhausting. Hopw today was better.

Cheryl said...

I was lost but now I'm found. Not really. I was behind but now I'm caught up. Sorry're one of my favorites and I've been away. I loved reading every word. Don't ever worry about dumping. I'd do more if my daughter didn't read my blog. You have to get rid of the slacker, somehow. You just can't carry the dead weight. And the cafe? What a surprise that was that they couldn't pay that little bill. Your solution was great. Too bad about the kid's parents not speaking English. I'm sure your place is a wonderland for children.

Happy Saturday. I have a minute at work to read. I'm sneaking.

Mary said...

I, too, am catching up this morning. Hope you can find a solution for the slacker. These situations are not easy to deal with. Glad the children were there to neturalize the sour day. Don't you just love happy kids?

Happyone said...

Oh sorry you had such a bad day. Maybe you are just being too nice to the slacker and you should just fire him. You do have a business to run.
How nice of you to let the cafe owner pay off his bill in food! Though it does seem odd that he couldn't pay that bill.

I bet the kids had a ball playing with the animals.

Hope your day today is a happy one.

Mima said...

Sorry to hear that you had a bad one, some days are just like that, a series of problems with no end in sight, the only way to deal with them is just to get through, and hope that tomorrow wakes up better. I really hope for you that this has happened.

Employment issues are really sticky, just make sure whatever you do you stay inside the law, the last thing you need is someone coming after you. Good luck with him though.

I think that the kids faces when they got to play with the animals must have been wonderful though.