Friday, October 03, 2008

Here's the star of our show. Because it is Bear's Farm and it's all about him. He looks all cute and cuddly here but he's soon to yak in the back seat.

This little guy is only weeks old. Amazing.

Alpaca secrets


These animals have the most expressive brown eyes and long eye lashes.

The Alpacas talk in a low throaty voice. Sometimes they bring the pitch up and the end of the call like they're asking a question. Ms. Alpaca farmer told us they are very protective of each other and if one of their pack wanders off or gets into trouble they surround and protect them.

This must be mating activity but you couldn't really tell. They're very casual. You would have thought this guy had his arm draped over a buds shoulder.

A soon-to-be (like any moment now) Alpaca Momma. These poor dears gestate for 340 days, give or take 24 days. When they come up close and look you in the eye they seem to be pleading for help.

The wool spinner and loom. They had a good display about shearing, carding and spinning wool. Lots of wool and wool products (not cheap) to buy.

After the farm we stopped down in the valley to get pumpkins, squash and indian corn.

I got distracted near the corn field. This is the precise moment when Jay hollered at me from the produce stand turning every ones attention to me photographing this guys butt. Oops.

The view of Mt Rainer from the floor of the Green River Valley.


Mo said...

Seriously I just got all kinds of warm fuzzies from this post.

And dangit, there you go showing people how pretty the area we live in is.

Shhh, we are supposed to keep it a secret remember? Tell them how it rains all the time and is cold, dreary, gray. That will keep 'em away.

Unknown said...

Seems like you did have a little fun on that "crappy" road trip. No pun intended.

fiwa said...

Awww... Bear looks so sweet. Tell him cousin Bitsy gets car sick too - it's not his fault.

Heehee... the butt picture cracked me up.

What a beautiful day that was. Mo's right- it's not like that all the time people! Rarely! Really!

love you -

Ruth Hull Chatlien said...

Smokey says hi to Bear.

Those alpacas are very cute, even if they are godawful expensive.

meno said...

They are SOOO CUTE! Now i want you to get some and start a farm with them so i can visit and play with their little fuzzy butts.

Golden To Silver Val said...

OMG....they are absolutely ADORABLE! (but my heart belongs to Bear).

Cheryl said...

The alpacas are SO cute. Too bad they cost a fortune. The billy goats are just as cute in their own way. So, you're going to have a goat farm? Lots of room for it :)

How often do you get that view of Mt. Ranier? It's SO majestic. I remember if from when I used to visit your state. It's surreal.

Hope you have a less bumpy weekend than your week. Tootles!

CRUSTY MOM-E said...

Seriously, Can I please come over, like, yesterday?

the entire environment that surrounds your everyday eyes just seems so relaxing and matter what angle :)


Click on the telephone link I attached in my blog, it'll tell you what the game's all about..I "betcha" you'll remember when you read it.


Jay said...

I love Alpacas. There are a few Alpaca farms around here. I haven't visited any of them, but I have visited one in Ohio. Very cool animals.

Crazy Charlene said...

sooo cute
i. cannot. go. to. alpaca. farm. i would have to bring them home


Smocha said...

Well, I didn't know they were so darn cute.I guess they have all been shaved too? I don't see any with long hair.(like my scarf)

LOL on the butt pic.

Ah beautiful Washington :(

Summer said...

It is lovely for sure.

You're such a lucky duck for having brunch with Fiwa and Mo. Have a great time!

zirelda said...


That's a great picture of Bear. That one might be the one Brad.

Love the Mount Ranier and the pic of the guys butt.

HappyK said...

Oh I love the alpaca's - they are soooo cute!!!
The pic of Mt Rainer is beautiful!!

Leann said...

I love the Alpacas. They are so cute and warm and fuzzy and...... em!!

You are fortunate to have a clear pic of Mt Rainier. It's been so smokey here you can't get pics of anything!!

Gin said...

Maybe Bear feasted on some Alpaca poo and that's what caused the smelly yak! My dogs used to love to eat horse poo and they always threw it up and it stunk so bad!!

Rosie said to give Bear a big hug from her!!

Barry Lawrence said...

That woman you photographed has the crappiest motorbike I've ever seen!

Scarlet said...

You have me wanting an Alpaca. A low throaty voice and long eye lashes sounds sexy! lol

Almost as sexy as that guy's butt. Shame on you, Brad. ;)

Seriously, I love the Alpaca photos. Thanks for sharing.

SOUL said...

ooooh i luuuuv the alpacas !!!
did you see any spit??? i just learned today that they spit gross black stuff... weird.

anyhow pret-teee pumpkins.

nice butt too.. kinda bad angle-- but it works. :))
ilooks like a fun day!

Real Live Lesbian said...

Awww! I want an alpaca!!!!! I bet there's a clause in the subdivision restrictions against them tho.

How cute they are!!!