Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Happiness Is A Warm Puppy

Never fear - this post turns snarky in the end.

The weather people were predicting a big wind storm last night. Nothing was happening before I went to bed. I heard Bear come up stairs shortly after I got in bed to read. He used to sleep with us all the time until he got to be a big boy with a big boy bed downstairs. After about 20 minutes the wind really picked up and started blowing noisily. It's interesting how he could hear or just sense that the storm was coming. He hate the noise the wind makes. I turned off the light and put down my book and settled in. A couple of minutes later he jumped up on the bed and settled at my feet. This morning I woke up and he'd scootched his way up the bed and was laying next to me.

Waking up spooning your dog is a good way to start the day.

There's a cherry tree near the office that no one takes care of. The fruit has fallen around the base of the tree. I was out watching the squirrels playing around it this morning. I realized they were eating the fruit. They're also spinning amazing back flips and wrestling. The fruit must be fermented because those are some inebriated squirrels.

When my Mom was over on Sunday she was complaining about the economy and the stock market and what it's done to their retirement funds. She's P.O.'d because they don't have another 10 years to wait for the market to correct it self. They want to spend that money NOW.

It got me to thinking:
Why are two retired bankers so heavily invested in the stock market? Hello...diversification anyone?

Why did so many people go with ARM's on their mortgages? We were offered those products and said no way. It didn't make good sense. I don't mean to insult anyone but they basically took a gamble and things didn't go their way. I've made bad decisions in life and had to pay the piper. Why is it that we should bail out people who made a bad decision?

Then there are the stories that have been in the local papers about college students who have amassed a lot of debt to get through school. I understand how hard it is to come out of school and into the work force saddled with debt but wasn't it their choice to fund college on credit? What happened to the days were you took the classes you could afford and maybe it took a little longer (and hard work) to get a degree?

This post is turning out snarky and I don't mean to belittle anyone. PLEASE call me out if I am over simpifying here. I just feel like the whole 'give it to me now' 'microwave ready' 'I can't wait another minute' mindset has taken over.

It's official - I'm an old fart, wondering about "kids today"

I think I'll go back home and snuggle my puppy.


Unknown said...

Good Stuff. Dogs know that kind of stuff. It's just nature. Looks like the winds weren't that bad, you still have power.

Ruth Hull Chatlien said...

I know what you mean, in a way. We chose to buy a house that was much less than we "could afford" because we wanted reasonable payments, and we steered clear of the ARM. I think a lot of the people that got hurt were people without much financial savvy, who trusted the mortgage sellers to look out for their best interest. Bad choice because they got taken advantage of. I feel sorry for them, but I also think that they should have done a little more homework. Maybe if we had better financial education in this country, there wouldn't be so many folks in trouble now.

Moohaa said...

I think Ruth has a good point. Credit education should be a required course in school. I knew nothing of credit and nothing about money, when I graduated high school. If kids learned either from their parents (duh) or from some other source that credit is DEBT then maybe there wouldn't be so much of this going around. I've made so many mistakes I'll probably be a renter for the rest of my life!!

Gin said...

I've got almost all my ducks in a row financially. I'm not in debt and hope I can keep my head above water now that the market is in such a mess.

I think I'll go cuddle my dog too...altho spooning with her isn't easy...LOL. But it sure beats worrying about finances!

Mary said...

I agree with you, Brad! If you think you're an old fart you should be in my shoes.

Jay said...

Those ARMs have always been bad news. Too much uncertainty for me. And there's about $1 trillion dollars worth of ARMs scheduled to be reset spring and summer of 2009. So, get ready for Bailout II: Electric Boogaloo coming to a taxpayer near you. ;-)

Summer said...

I think, my Bradley, that we are a nation of Polly Anna's. And that's ok, because we really have been the lucky ones. Maybe not so much anymore because of our thief in chief.


tt said...

I love the 'snarky' word. teehee...

And kids 'waiting' for something. That's an oxymoron isn't it? Kids can't wait for anything these days.
Oops...showing my age now....I'd like to spoon with Bear too. My Chihuahua's aren't very spoonable...too small. :)

I've miss you and your snarky/cheerie posts.
smooches and hugs my friend!!!!

Leann said...

Would have loved to have seen the squirrels.

Smocha said...

I have to agree with you Brad. Guess I'm snarky too. My youngest son and his finance have been working themselves through college for 6 years. My oldest son has excellent credit ,but is still renting ...he was smart enough NOT to fall for the easy mortgage crap.

Even 10 years ago , people were at the mercy of what the experts "told them" but now, with the internet anyone could research things to death before they made those choices.

I'm a Realtor and those ARMs are too much like going to the casino for me.

Whew, I'm a bitter old hag. LOL

It pays to have a workaholic (and smart)husband :)


Cheryl said...

I haven't even looked at my S&P account. Too scared. The ruin of our financial system is inexcusable. Snarkily so.

Real Live Lesbian said...

Color me snarky, too. We could have overbought on the new house, but instead went $100,000 under what we qualified for.

I'd like to snuggle with Bear right now, too. Too much drama on my blog!

SOUL said...

my midnight was a snuggler-- wish she was here now.

eevee is terrified of thunder and storms-- but she won't get on the bed. she does try to sit on my lap tho-- but i can't handle that.

as for sushi-- if i'm in my chair-- there she is-- on my bed--shes there too-- but not much of a cuddler-- the bitch. :))

anyhow-- send some of those cherries my way--

hope your day is good to you

HappyK said...

A agree with you!! I guess I'm an old fart too. :-)

CRUSTY MOM-E said...

ONE WORD-okay two maybe:

(on both ends)
And the phrase: "i must keep up with the joneses"

definitely not mavericks regarding this!

fiwa said...

Love you, Sir Snark-a-lot.

Your Partner in Crime,

meno said...

I'm very disappointed in you young man. I wanted a video of the drunk squirrels.

Jenny said...

Well, I'm officially old and snarky too because:

1. I spoon my dog(s) too, except when they bark at the WIND.

2. Have spent my adult life trying to tell people that what you NEED and want you WANT are two different things.

I truly feel for those who want to retire soon, truly.

Scarlet said...

You got the right idea, snuggling with dogs and watching squirrels at play.

Adults should have accountability and not expect others to pay for their mistakes...I agree with that, too.

susi said...

You're so right - nobody seems to want to wait and save up a sizeable deposit for a house. We worked hard for two years to save a deposit on our first home.

The reason why the Northern Rock bank here got into deep trouble was that it was loaning 125% of the value of some of the houses - great policy when house prices started to fall!

I am obviously also becoming (or have become) an old fart or, as we tend to say here, a "grumpy old git".

desert dirt diva said...

call me stupid what is an ARM?