Wednesday, September 17, 2008

The Past Will Always Catch Up With You

My but it's a quite day out here in blog land today. So with out all of you to go and visit I've been forced to resort to random web cruising. I found an interesting story of at Joe.My.God's site today listing the top 10 best and worst places in the world to be gay. Interestingly (at least to me) enough Mykonos, Greece was listed #4 on the best list.

Why is this interesting you ask? Well even though I've been with Jay lo, these 20+ years he isn't my 'first'. That's right, I did have a life before him. The 'Ex' and I were together for a number of years before Jay and I. Alright, truth be told there was just a tiny bit of overlap but that wasn't really my fault. The dude was out of the country more than he was in the country for most of those years.

The Ex, who I still love dearly and who's still a good friend, is a writer. Shortly after we broke up he 'went Hollywood'. It part of the reason we split. He's been down in LA for the last 20 years or so. So far he's produced one indie movie so I'm thinking I was right not to give up my life here to follow him.

Anyway...Back in the days when we we're together he'd take regular writing sabbaticals, in addition to being away working on projects. The nearly annual sabbatical was normally to Mykonos. What I didn't know until today was that Mykonos is basically the gay Disneyland of Europe. Color me ignorant.

So what exactly was he doing on those sabbaticals? An inquiring mind wants to know. He'll be getting a phone call tonight with a liberal ration of S**t.

In other Ex news, or not so new news... The partner of an ex of mine from high school (got that?) called out of the blue a few weeks ago. They are a couple that Jay and I used to socialize with a lot about 4 years ago. They abruptly ended that friendship when Jay and I failed to come to a party of theirs. We've seen them out socially over the years and always got a very chilly reception from them. It's always seem rather petty to us so we just kind of let it go.

So now the partners called say things like: 'Life's to short to let petty things stand in the way...' 'We should get together...'. I agreed with him during the conversation but I keep wondering if it's really a friendship I want to rekindle. I keep going back and forth between: 'We've known each other a very long time' and 'Why start something with people who could be so petty'. Maybe it me that's being petty. It's not like you can have enough friends, right ?

So there you go, another rambling-stream-of-consciousness post.

Which I'm not even going to edit. To hec with grammar...

'The Man' just stopped by the office with work plans so I'm off to the city to the permit office. Yea! - well not so much, but hey it's a ROADTRIP which will make the afternoon pass quicker.

Give someone a smile and a wink today and make them wonder.



Moohaa said...

You learn something new every day. Did you know if I had stayed with Roger when we dated in high school, there is a very high chance that I would be in Australia right now living with Aborigines. And I'm not kidding. This just gave me an idea for a post. Thanks Brad!!!

Jay said...

I've been trying to go Hollywood for some time now and it really isn't working at all.

I'm surprised that Arkansas wasn't on the "Best Places" list. I thought everyone knew that Arkansas was full of super enlightened people. LOL

meno said...

They didn't speak to you for 4 years because you didn't attend a party?

That IS petty.

A Petty Party.

Webinsider said...
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Ruth Hull Chatlien said...

It is petty, but I'd probably give them another chance. Just cause I'm soft that way. But that's me, not you. Your gut instinct will tell you if you're comfortable or not.

P.S. Ask Bear to send some warm thoughts to Smokey. He's had a relapse of his ear infection and sore knee, both today. The vet bills are killing me, . . . but he's worth it.

CRUSTY MOM-E said...

I would wonder what their intentions are...with rekindling..

go with your instincts..

and here, "WINK WINK" you're the one I'm winking at today!!

I wish you and Jay lived next door, I could really use one of Jay's famous cocktails.


Cheryl said...

Do you miss the friendship with this couple? If yes, get in touch. If not, let it lay. Life is too short.

Sometimes I think I blog too much. Then I think I do too little. Then I worry that I talk about the same thing too much. I like this kind of writing because it's almost like you're talking to us. That's how I like to write.

Did you enjoy your outing today? Anything put a smile on your face?

Golden To Silver Val said...

Well, Brad....I would say use your instincts on this one also. These ex-friends DO sound very petty and I certainly would be suspicious as to WHY they suddenly, after all this time, want to be friends again. Is it just curiosity or do they really miss you? 25 years ago I would say go for, as old as I am...I would say SEE YA and walk away. Who needs shallow petty people in their lives? I want true blue friends around me that I don't have to worry about offending.

Smocha said...

I agree with Charlotte here....let sleeping dogs lie:)
I wouldn't trust these petty people.Now that I'm old and wise. lol

Hollywood is a cesspool .You dodged that bullet.I have never even heard of Mykonos....hmmm. color me ignorant too.

Lastly, just to be nosy.....are you and Jay married?if not any plans to get married?

just ignore that if it's too nosy:)

Happy Thursday!

Mama Llama said...

Funny. I don't know necessarily what I would do in your situation. Maybe agree to meet up for pizza somewhere one night--loud, public place where there are plenty of other distractions.

Your last line cracked me up. I had an older white-haired gentleman in a convertible pull up next to my car at a red light a while back, look over at me and winked at me. I laughed. Probably felt good for him to flirt with such a young hoochie mama (!!)

Be well, Brad.

Real Live Lesbian said...

I'd probably give them another chance. Maybe they've learned the lesson that friendship is incredibly valuable. I'm betting that they miss you!

Wish you were here! I'd be smilin' and winkin' at YOU!

Have fun at the permit office!

HappyK said...

I'd give the old friends another chance. Maybe they have changed and are nicer now. :-)
I always give a way smiles on my walk, may be I'll try a wink tomorrow. :-)

Unknown said...

Screw it! Life is too short. Join them for drinks or something, but just don't let them in too close. Keep them at a distance.

Jamie said...

Great post --- I love those "lightbulb" moments...I had one once, similar to yours regarding an ex of mine, but mine had to do with him leaning your direction...and pretending to be living in mine...oh well. Live and learn.

Hugs honey. You're the best.

tt said...

lol...I often 'smile and wink' at people whenever I'm out and about...makes me giggle to think about what they think I'm doing. lol...Doesn't take much to amuse me does it.

I've done the rekindle friendship thing before. it never seemed to work out for me. but, life is short and one can never have too many friends they say.

When we were in Santorini, Greece, we noticed a very open atmosphere there regarding couples of all ages,races, name was there and casual. I want to go back!!!! Greeks are fabulously warm people.
'to hec with grammar' that!
I 2nd it!!!!!

Gin said...

I love your posts when you just say "to hec with grammar"...that's perfect!

Interesting that your ex spent a lot of time in Greece! I'd be telling him "Lucy, you got some splainin' to do!!!"

Friends come and go and life is too short to get into the petty stuff. You know what they say...

"Don't sweat the petty stuff and don't pet the sweaty stuff!" :-)

Scarlet said...

I'm with you on wondering whether I would give the friendship another chance. I don't like to hold a grudge, but what's up with giving you a chilly reception all the time and now wanting to bury the hatchet?

dawn said...

have a great weekend, brad.
and hooray on making them wonder.

Minnie said...

Some friendships are just not meant to be forever. They just naturally run their course...for however long....weeks, months, years, etc. Sometimes we stay 'in them' because we think we should for whatever reason, not because we want to. It can be a hard lesson to learn in my experience. I think instinct is great and sometimes you have to be brave and just use it. It's there for a reason:o))

zirelda said...

Ah... all that thinking stuff.

Sometimes it gets a little thick in my head. And then I end up having ex dreams which are usually not good.

Course I can't be friends with my ex's. Sigh...

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