The wind is blowing strong tonight - much more like November than June. Bear is thick by my side as he hates the noise of the wind blowing.
Sister Joy just showed up with more of the nieces & nephews ceramics pieces to be fired. She is a dear. I'm lucky to have 'married' into this family.
It was a tough day spent at the city of Seattle department of planing and I get to spend a good part of tomorrow there too. Oh well. It is as it is.
Boring post here - but it's seemed to be a common thread with others today. Hope your all doing well.
Tuesday, June 03, 2008
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Brad, do you think that maybe our spring fever is running into summer? I can't ever remember being this bored, etc.
If I had to deal with a planning commission they might as well call the men in the little white coats to come for me.
I'm up late because I went to an election party. Too keyed up to sleep.
When all else fails with these commission meetings just fall to the floor weeping.
The wind can be even scarier than the thunder and lightning that comes with big storms.
Thanks for the kind words you left on my blog about Oscar. Also, I liked what you had to say about BO. I really enjoy reading your blog, boring or no. We've been having the same wind and cold, which has not been condusive to my growing garden. Seriously, I hope you are feeling better, and you don't know how much I'd love to spend the day in Seattle.
Ha! Now I will stop my complaining about the rain in Boise.
No wind...yet.
We've had some fierce winds here lately. People are loosing trees and huge limbs off the trees. Crazy atuff I tell ya. Most of our trees were damaged by out ice storm last winter and now they're so week that when we get some big they go. There's a lot of 'ducking' going on here :)
Hey...who you calling boring???
Seriously, I hope your day in the city goes smoothly, like magic. You could fall to the floor weeping, like Mary said. In fact, I've got a mental picture of that and it made me giggle.
I followed you around on the blogs last night. Everywhere I went, there you were. I was playing catch up.
Darling, I would love to come visit and hang out. I'm standing on the edge of closing on one house and moving out of another and people suck.......oh and happy wednesday!
Tipsy pots? It's magic! (Cue the Twilight Zone music)
Actually it's simple. You just stick a straight piece of rebar into the ground or one of those electric fence posts ...the thin metal kind. Then you put the bottom pot on first...slide the pot over the rebar goes thru the hole in the bottom of the pot. Fill the pot with dirt and then place the next empty pot on the bar, tipping it once it's sitting on the dirt in the first pot. Then fill it with dirt. Continue this until you have as many pots as will fit on your rebar. Plant the pots with flowers once you get the whole stack set. Petunias or pansies work well because they fill in...also use draping greenery like vinca vine. Piece o' cake! Gets a lot of looks from the passing cars!
Your posts are never boring. I can relate to Bear's fear of the wind. We had a bad wind storm yesterday and that was bad enough. Then it just stopped! That was even scarier!!
dearest, I'm going to have to spank you with a wet garden hose if you don't stop calling yourself boring.
The wind was crazy last night, wasn't it? First the rain bent all my plants over, and then the wind whipped 'em around. Summer my ass. Hmpf.
I think I caught the same stomach bug you had. I've been down for the count since Monday. :(
I love the pics your new camera takes...what kind of camera is it?
Weather here is pretty yuck too. Its raining then nothing then stormy raining then nothing. Ugh. I want summer.
Big ol hugs to you!!!
Weather sucks here.. I want sunshine...I want sunshine...I want sunshine...if I chant long enough will it happen?
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