I've been meme'd again - this time the lovely Hope4Grace got me.
Note to Grit: No worries friend I won't tag you again. You've paid your dues.
The Rules:1. The rules of the game get posted at the beginning of the post.
2. Each player answers the questions about themselves in their post.
3. At the end of the post, the player then tags 5-6 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves them a comment, letting them know they’ve been tagged and asking them to read your blog.
4. Let the person who tagged you know when you’ve posted your answer.
1. What was I doing ten years ago?
Having my soul sucked out me working for The Evil Coffee Empire. I'm pretty sure the terms of the non-disclosure they made me sign are in effect for life and I don't want to get sued. Honest-to-god they have a full time employee who cruises the web looking for stuff like that and copyright infringement. Think green logo w/ a lady.
We'd just bought our first house, an 1908 fixer upper. (read: dump)
2. What are five things on my list to do today?
A) Making a road trip out to all the job sites to hand out paychecks since I forgot to pick up payroll yesterday
B) Finding 'emergency' service calls that will keep my service techs busy till 7:00 pm tonight since none of them showed up for the 7:30 am service meeting this morning.
C) Process the stack of billing that I turn my nose up at yesterday because I was too busy goofing off. (read: blogging)
D) Check out commercial real estate web sites in the never ending search for a new shop/office so we can move out of this refrigerator box
E) Blog some more of course.
3. Snacks I enjoy?
A) chocolate fudge
B) Korean spare ribs
C) REAL burritos from taqueria trucks
D) grapes, berries most any kind of fruit
E) small children
4. Things I Would Do If I Were A Billionaire?
Skim off enough to live in comfort the rest of my life and then spend my life giving the rest away.
Give the Ex enough so he can finally produce one of his scripts (crikey, it's been 20+ years now Bruce)
5. Three of my bad habits?
A) Smoking - (back-off or I'll sic Hope4Grace on ya)
B) Inattention to spelling and grammar (not known as a scholar)
C) Man-eyes that don't see dirt. I like things ordered and looking nice but I really don't care if that dust-bunny is nibbling your shoe laces
6. Five places I have lived?
A) Seattle
B) Biloxi (work temporary assignment)
C) Chicago (6 Months while the Ex was directing a play)
I don't get around much.
7. Five jobs I've had?
A) Stable boy/Groom at a local horse farm and our dear departed Longacres Race track. Unfortunately, I was too big to be a jockey.
B) Balloon Designer for The Red Balloon Co. (no non-disclosure there) What a great job. People would walk in the store and turn into kids all over again. The large event balloon releases were awesome.
C) Marketing Analyst for one of those rip off time-share selling places. (yeah, it sucked)
D) Telecom Manager for the afore-mentioned soul sucking empire.
E) Office manager/dispatcher (current) Sleeping with the boss has definite perks.
8. How did you name your blog?
Named after the family farm.
I won't tag anyone as I think I'm starting to piss people off. But this is a good one to save for those days that you know you should post something but come up empty.
Thanks Hope4Grace - Love ya. Mean it.
Friday, June 06, 2008
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Snacks i enjoy would take up a whole post!
I played along.
Happy Friday to you.
Did you see that the EvilCoffeeEmpire had another round of layoffs today? I thought about you when I saw that. Glad you're not there any more.
Re the money thing - wouldn't it be great to have enough that you could pick up and rocket off on a whim? Someone needs help moving? Let's go! Someone else is having a bad day and needs a hug - let's go there next!
Regarding man eyes - it's a damn good thing you're not bothered by a little dust bunny or two, or else I'd never be able to let you in my door. I'm relieved to know you aren't perfect in every way - coz your house looks pretty damn perfect from the pictures. :)
lovins -
Ahhh, I am so keeping you!!!!!!
Balloon company? I think my kids would love to come visit Uncle Brad this summer....
I love this post Brad!! I learned so much about you. I didn't know you and I had horses in common! I owned horses for 33 years...rode, showed 'em, gave riding lessons...I used to know a lot about horses...even about horse genetics, etc. I was totally obsessed.
I love that you snack on small children! Being a school bus driver, I want to do that some days! LOL
I love blogging, it helps you meet such nice people! You just rock buddy!!
Small children as snacks? Ha! Just seeing if we're reading all of your post, huh?
I once worked at a telemarketing company selling weekends staying at timeshare condos in Branson Freaking Missouri. It sucked every bit as bad as you think it did too.
I just gave up the evil weed, but I tell you one thing I am not going to do, and that is turn into one of those horrible preacher ex-smoker types who I have hated for so long!!
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