Saturday, June 07, 2008

Kuboto Gardens


Cheryl said...

Great slide show, Brad. The gardens are beautiful. I haven't tried that with Blogger, yet. At first I thought it was a 'video'. I thought it was of the farm. Subtle, me?

fiwa said...

Look at you! Music TOO! I bow down to thee, oh greek god of blogger. :)

So, uh... you gonna tell me how to do it? And, uh, how to space my template out too? :) :) :)


Moohaa said...

Nice!! Great job you! Gorgeous views.

Love ya!

Moohaa said...

I love the history of your farm and house. All the pics are great. How did I miss all these posts? :) Busy boy!

Leann said...

I am duly impressed!! Wow! I thought it was going to be a video also, but slide show with music....good surprise.

Cheryl said...

PS...I didn't have my sound on, so I didn't even realize there was music!

Golden To Silver Val said...

Brad what an absolutely GORGEOUS slide show. This song always makes me so emotional and you caught the essence of the words with your beautiful pictures. Hmmmm...are we looking at another Spielberg here? Nice you're gonna have to give detailed instructions for those of us who are not so talented. Hope you do lots more of these. Thank you for starting out my Sunday with beautiful thoughts and pictures to go along with them.
Big hugs...Val, aka Charlotte

Mary said...

Beautiful - you have so many talents. The gardens are pretty just after a light rain when the mist is still clinging to the plantings but this is beautiful. I'm so glad you posted this because when we were there I didn't have my camera with me. Maybe one day we will vacation in the area again.

Happyone said...

That was beautiful!!!
And I absolutely love "It's a Wonderful World!!"
How perfect to put the two of them together.
I watched the slide show with a smile on my face and tears in my eyes.
Every time I hear that song I cry.

Leann said...

I should so bring my granddaughter out while I'm up there before they move to Oregon. She loves animals.

susi said...

The pictures are lovely.
Thanks for the message about the sheep - I'm sure they'll be cheaper to buy and easier to look after than llamas. Perhaps you could compromise and have some sheep and one llama, I read somewhere that sheep and llamas get on well with each other.

Mima said...

Great pictures, it looks like a wonderful place to explore! Very impressed with the slide show to music, I wouldn't have a clue how to do that!

Grit said...

beautiful gardens, great slideshow, moving mosic, what a winner!

bonnie said...

Brad, that was beautiful. Did you make it? Nah. That would be crazy. Did you? Gorgeous.