Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Doggie Update

Just a quick post from work.

Oh-so-slowly it finally dawned on me. I found both dogs in the same area. It’s kind of a weird part of town, mostly industrial adjacent to a large riparian reserve but with a lot of truck traffic. Maybe it’s a known dog dumping area? I called the shelter and sure enough it is.

The woman I spoke with said they highly encourage people to not try and pick up strays due to safety concerns. (as one very smart commenter suggested) They ask that people report the stray and they can frequently find the animal with in hours. Make perfect sense to me.

Unfortunatly they haven't seen any black boxers.


Andrew said...

Aw man! I hope the boxer turns up and gets to a shelter and home to a family. You know me. I have a soft heart for dogs of any kind. Take care Brad!

fiwa said...

People suck.

But I luv u because u are the only person I've ever known to use the word "riparian". Unless you watch enough Keeping Up Apperances to know the "riparian entertainment" reference?

We've lived in an area that was an unwated animal dumping ground, it's hard on your heart, isn't it?

Seashells in spades, love.

meno said...

Thank you for caring about that dog.

People SUCK sometimes. I just hate it when animals are mistreated.

Brad said...

I think I've seen every 'Keeping up Apperance's' show ever shown here in the states - I love that show. Never got the riparian ref. I have quite a bit of Hyacinth's spirt in me. Did I ever tell you I was raised by an English Nanny ?

Summer said...

I love Hyacinth! I have the whole series on CD. "How can I be sure it's my water? It doesn't look like my water. It's not as sparkly as it normally is."

Aside from that.

I hate people.

CRUSTY MOM-E said...

you know they have laws for safe haven babies, animals should deserve the same..

you need border patrol out there and if you see any dumping them..call em in.
yeah,...I know,..wishful thinking.

Having a good friday, I hope??