Saturday, May 31, 2008

Gee Golly

I'm playing with the new camera - This is Gollywog. My mothers husbands parents have given Jay & I gold-toe socks for chistmas for the past 20 years. I used them to make this boy. Gollywog is apparently a racist term in Britan now. My Nanny Alice made me one from stuffed socks years ago, when it was P.C. to do so. He raised an eyebrow when I buckled him in to the passenger seat and took him to the GAP for his overalls.

I'm still exploring the cam - back later with more pics.


Mary said...

I love your scenic land, I love the cute goats, I love your fountain, I love Gollywog, and I love your porch. Your corner of the world looks so peaceful. Can I come be your Nana and lollygag with Gollywog for a few days? (In my world lollygag equates to being completely lazy.)

Summer said...

I have a sock monkey that was made from another type of socks and now I want a gollywog. Is he made entirely of socks?

Jamie said...

Great posts, great pics, I love your house and your animals and all of it, and even your gollywog!

Mark has a sock monkey, it is the ugliest thing I have ever seen! He will NOT let it go though.

Hope your weekend is going perfectly....

Hugs, friend.

fiwa said...

I love the gollywog! Is there nothing you can't do?

Gin said...

I'm really diggin' these pix! Gollywog is adorable! Is that the right name??

tt said...

Gollywog is completely adorable! Do you use a pattern?
Great pics w/ the new camera!

Anonymous said...

Isn't that a racist doll? I'm just saying...