Thursday, May 22, 2008


Second day with tummy troubles - yuck - Half a bottle of Milk Of Mag. (thanks for the advice Summer love) and I'm thinking of going back to bed. Miss Lilly apparently scored some LSD somewhere and has been tearing around the house like a goblin. She's currently INSIDE the pump organ doing god knows what, but it's not quiet. I really should secure the backing board to that thing. Crazy cat. Bear can't be bothered with either of us and is currently hold up on Jay's side of our bed.

I hate being sick. And I've really been good on the vitamins and green tea. Fiwa's introduced me to better living through....

Bleh-bleh and BLEH.

I think I'll pry the cat out of the organ and shake her down for drugs.

I go nap - be back later.


Leann said...

I'm sorry you're not feeling well and I hope you found some really good drugs on the cat....perhaps I'll go shake my own kitty down.

Happyone said...

Sorry to hear you aren't felling well. Hope your feeling tip top real soon.
That sounds like one crazy cat!! :-)

fiwa said...

Poor you! Tummy problems are the worst. Hope you're better in time for the trip.


Summer said...

Let me know how you're doing. xo

Gin said...

Hope you feel better soon! Sounds like Miss Lilly could use an intervention!


Mon said...

I hope you feel better soon!

Mama Llama said...

Feel better, Brad.


Moohaa said...

Stress is the worst for tummies, isn't it. You are in my prayers! I love you.

CRUSTY MOM-E said...

awwwwwwwww, my dear brother Brad!! I'm sorry to hear that you're not feeling so yummy.

I hope you feel better soon!
Kisses and hugs..

You probably caught a dust bunny from all that moving you did last weekend...
I think this summer should bring you a vacation with your love.

Feel better soon!

Jay said...

I've always suspected that cats are drug dealers. That's probably what they do when they wander off for a few hours like they tend to do.

Grit said...

get well soon!

CRUSTY MOM-E said...

Hope you're feeling better my dear pal!!
I saw Man stumps twin today, only this one has less of a frontal stump and more of a back stumb..NICE!!


sign in! I'm ON! :)

Cheryl said...

Eliabeth's comment has me laughing! It's Friday...are you better? Anyone there taking care of you? I'd help if I could. I actually like M of M, can you believe it? Cherry flavored, not that you asked. Don't ask why, Ok?

Moohaa said...

Crusty, you funny girl!!

Brad, I hope you're doing well dear. You are loved.

Mo said...

I hope you get to feeling better soon. Being sick is never fun.