Tuesday, April 15, 2008


I didn't bring any thing for lunch today so when tummy started to rumble about 11:30 I decide one more trip through the fast food drive thru wouldn't kill me.

Pulled up to the kiosk and placed my order and started to proceed to the cashier's window.

And then it happened. I broke wind.

No problem, I eat pretty healthy. These things aren't normally 'aromatic'

Just as I'm rolling down the window I think 'Gee I hope that doesn't sme... Dam!'

So I apologize nice McDonald's Lady. I really didn't mean to crop-dust you.


fiwa said...

And you were picking JAY?!

Jay said...

Don't worry dude. She has to smell her McD's coworkers all day, I'm sure she didn't even notice you. ;-)

bonnie said...

loved this. I had edamame for dinner. I'm thinking I should post a warning on my shirt tomorrow.

SOUL said...

that was YOU-- LOL

just kidding-- i wasn't at micky d's today--

that's pretty funny tho--
crop dusted-- good one.

poor girl.

happy tuesday-

Moohaa said...

OMG!! My whole family just looked at me like I'm crazy. That was funny!

Never visit us... we tend to make things very stinky!

Grit said...

that must have looked deliberate!

C.C. said...

I'm laughing so hard I can barely type! Yikes! My little E calls himself "Farticus".

Hope4Grace said...

That's when you wait for her to speak and then gasp and cover your mouth.......then offer her a tic-tac.......hee hee

Mama Llama said...




Thank you for that!

Be well--

the mother of this lot said...

You wish I lived next door to you, or you wish I lived next door to Grit? After this post, I think I'll stay where I am!

Moohaa said...

You're the greatest. Just wanted you to know.

Gin said...

Don't feel bad, Andy and I had egg salad for lunch yesterday. UGH!! I don't know who was worse!!! Poor little Rosie didn't know who's side of the bed to sleep on...she kept going from one side to the other last night.

Golden To Silver Val said...

Brad...I received my newest issue of Vanity Fair the other day and last night finally had some time to read some articles in it. I was very upset at this article:

I hope this link works...if not, got to vf.com and under Investigations, read the one about Monsanto. Who knew?....I told my grandson to read this and maybe do a report on it...these companies are killing us and our offspring.
From now on, I'm ready milk cartons!

Golden To Silver Val said...

Crap....I meant READING. You knew that, didn't you. LOL

Golden To Silver Val said...

I can't get into BIG CUTE BEACH GIRL...did she go private? If you have contact will you tell her to let me in....that is if she's still blogging. She quit once before for a while. Some of her terminology really cracks me up. Thanks sweets.

Jamie said...

OMG!!! Thanks for the laugh this morning!


CRUSTY MOM-E said...

hahahaha!!! :)