Thursday, April 24, 2008

I’m constantly challenged by my want to be able to use technology but unwillingness to take the time to learn it. I’m thinking it has to do with my working in IT for 20 years. I got so tired of learning new applications. I must have filled up that part of my brain.

Tilt. Overload.

PBX’s (telephone systems), Voice mail systems, auto-attendants, ACD systems, Voice over IP, Server based PBX’s, Frame Relay networks, T1’s DSL….ugh

Yeah, that’s when I said to myself, ‘yeah, not so much’.

Meanwhile, it’s been years since I’ve had access to a great tech department (Starbucks has some of the BEST people) and my skills have atrophied.

My Help Desk is fiwa but I feel that’s a bit of an imposition. (teaser: we’re having lunch on Saturday – first time meeting face to face – how cool is that?) Lolli takes care of the basic health and maintenance of this PC.

I suppose there must be a “Blogger for Idiots” but that would require me to log into Amazon and actually look, order and purchase. Like I said, I’m lazy. All Sloth 24X7.

Here's my top three, anyone want to encourage my laziness with advice?

1) How do I get the picture of me now in the side bar show up when I comment?

2) How can I get stuff to show up in the big green bands on both side of my blog?

3) The picture of the Earth that is now above mine I’d like to have it centered.

So help a poor lazy blogger out, If you know how to do these things (and it’s easy) give me some love here.

I’ll pay it back – promise.


Mo said...

Ooooh, I am envious you and fiwa are meeting on Saturday. I'm free too...I'm just saying....

Cheryl said...

I'm so excited about you and Fiwa meeting. Take pictures, ok?

I tried to put the code in this comment to tell you how to center stuff, but blogger won't allow it. Sorry.

Andrew from 4th Avenue put the code in for my sidebar. I couldn't do it.

If I didn't have to go to bed now I'd tell you how to put your picture in along with your comments. Someone will do it for you and better than me. I'll check back to make sure. 'Night!

Cheryl said...

I just read Mo's comment. Sounds like a party. West coast bloggers unite!

Jay said...

!. Add the picture to your blogger profile.

2. I guess you would have to switch to a template that allows HTML in both sidebars. Or enter all the HTML yourself on this one.

3. Dunno.

Ohhhhhhh I'm so helpful! LOL ;-)

Hope4Grace said...

um, I'm lazy and this is why my basic site format hasn't changed, since I "borrowed" alot of code from other sites I like, i.e I right clicked on their site, and chose the view source button and bammmm, instant code for "borrowing".

I'm a very lazy and rotten blogger.

Moohaa said...

1. Go to Dashboard. Click edit profile, scroll down halfway and you can upload it there.

2. Like Jay said, you would need a layout that allows for both sides to be used. The typical is a 3 column blog with posting in the middle and a column on either side. I haven't found any that work for me yet.

3. I'd look up the html code for centering something and put the pic in as an html code.

Sorry I'm not more help!

Summer said...

What Jay said about the picture.

Andrew is a huge help when it comes to this stuff. Me. Not so much.

fiwa said...

Sounds like you got 1 & 2 covered - though 2 probably won't be so easy. 3 I can probably figure out, lemme work on that one.

love u -
tech support

Mary said...

This old lady can't do much to help you with this. I can, however, wish you luck.

Mama Llama said...

Dude...I sooo miss being out West...

Have fun. Good luck with the HTML. I kind of close my eyes and guess a lot. Funny that way.

Happy Friday to you! Be well, Brad!

the mother of this lot said...

Sorry. Worse than useless at this sort of thing. I can cook though.

Grit said...

i can sympathise. but i can't be bothered to find out how to help. that's not helpful, is it?

Blur Ting said...

Tell you something, I have always wondered about question (1) too.Just didn't bother to find out how toput that pix!

You blog brings a smile to my face. That Vinnie is quite a character. I suppose she's fine, maybe she's just calling someone else.

Moohaa said...

Great job you!!

C.C. said...

That's so great you and Fiwa are meeting! Happyone has met a couple of her blogger friends too. That seems the natural thing to do, doesn't it? Good luck with your bloggy issues! Sounds like you're getting good advice.

SOUL said...

yo bradley :))

you're truckin right along aren't ya-- look at you sportin the new photo -- or "avatar" lol. whatever .. i'm computer illiterate too. that's why we have blog pals to help us out eh?

have fun with fiwa

happy weekend-

are you tryin to kill me with this eye thing??
try #2..
make that 3 --wth?
holy crap brad-- i'm getttin angry now-- wth? i cannot SEE this thing!

is this gothic writing or what? why cant i read it?

Summer said...

I dreamed about you last night.

CRUSTY MOM-E said...

here! Florida was the spot on the west coast-the Gulf. :)

You get to go out with adults today? And cool adults, like FIWA? AWESOME! I so want to be there-someday...bring Jay to chicago..we'll meet for pretzel bread-yummo!

So, I'm with you about the colors on the side, but that's the template if you wanted to change the template, you'd have to search into better minds, cause I don't know how to change templates outside of what's offered within blogger.
and the picture addition, I JUST recently figured out with many people (portia, Soul,..) trying many times to help me with, but I can't grasp that sortof things without seeing it being done. So, Soul can tell you!!)

Have a great day!
Your chatter with phone systems, and VOIP and yadahs brought back memories of my days at Ameritech. :)

have a great saturday!

CRUSTY MOM-E said...

p.s: name your favorite store bought salty thing.
name your favorite store bought sweet candy.
what else are things you miss from Chicago?


Gin said...

No help here. I'm totally technologically challenged!!

I love the pic! It's so good to SEE you!

Hey, give Ms.Fiwa a big old hug for me when you see her!!


Golden To Silver Val said...

Wow...the earth is spinning...or have I finally lost my equilibrium. Good job though.
If Blogger didn't do a lot of stuff automatically, I wouldn't have it on my knowledge in this field is really minimal.
I hope you took pics of your meeting with fiwa!!!!....and gave her hugs from all of us too.

Jamie said...

OOOH, I hope you had the best time today with FIWA. That is the awesomest thing ever....and yes, I second, third, eighty-fourth the request for pics!

Sorry, but I'm completely technologically challenged. You are over my head just asking the questions, hell--I could never answer them.

Hope your weekend is perfectly awesome. :)

CRUSTY MOM-E said...

inquiring minds wanna know!! :)

Or have you been sworn to secrecy? :) lol.
I hope you guys had a great time today!

bonnie said...

to stretch your text area you just have to redefine the width of your posting column, thus reducing the green band size and increasing the middle. Is that the effect you are going for. I've done that on my blog. You can get blogs with MORE columns to write in if that's what you are looking for. I've played around with the template thing a lot and there is much you can do without purchasing anything new or making a difficult switch.