Friday, April 11, 2008


Thanks everybody for the support. It means a lot to me.

But I can't stand having the post below 'up' on my blog. I won't delete it but let's just tamp it down a bit.

Tomorrow is Jay's 42nd B-day. Friends and family are coming over. The weather is promising to be great, ok partly sunny and 67 but I'll take it. BBQ will be had and hopefully the evening will be warm enough to build a fire in the chimenea and sit outside and watch the sunset.

I wish I could take a picture of the new back door. But the cam is certainly in a pawn shop by now.

Did I tell you the door has a shade between the glass panes? Did I ?!?!?! The shade is sealed inside so it never has to be dusted. Awesome.

I'm such a dork.

Jay's got the lawn mowed and I need to go help bring out the outdoor furniture for the year! SWEET!

What? Spring Fever? Me?



Jay said...

I love those windows with the shade between the glass planes. They are sooo cool.

Happy Birthday to Jay.

Mary said...

I think every glass pane should have shades that open and close housed between. Spoken (or written) by an old woman who HATES cleaning blinds.

Glad your world is calmer. Happy birthday to the birthday boy. Enjoy the birthday gathering. Toast the sunset for me.

Mama Llama said...

No-dust shades? Awesome. I am soooo jealous.

Enjoy the Birthday Weekend! Be well, Brad.

Summer said...

Happy Birthday Jay! Sounds like Brad has a great one planned for you.

What's for dinner?

fiwa said...

Happy Birthday Jay! I hope you all have a wonderful day full of sunshine and good eats. lovins! fiwa

CRUSTY MOM-E said...


I love those doors! How awesome! May the day bring many memories for you guys!

in regards to The break in post: I'm just happy that Lolli wasn't home!!


Happyone said...

Happy Birthday Jay.
Hope you have great weather!!

I know it's spring now because I had to mow the lawn yesterday. That's fine with me - I like mowing the lawn. :-)

Golden To Silver Val said...

Happy Birthday Jay! And I too love those those window blinds built in...if I could I'd have them on every window! I posted a lengthly comment on your intruder post also.
Have a great great as you can anyway. I know you have to be horribly angry inside. I'm praying that the perps will be found and you can have justice.
Hugs, Val

Jamie said...

Man, I am SO jealous, you really have spring where you are?

It's snowing here.

Just shoot me.


Hope4Grace said...

dusting sucks so that sounds perfect!

Happy BDay to Jay.

Cheryl said...

A good day after a bad. Way to go. Happy Birthday Jay! I hope your day was a happy one! I'm sure it was just what you both needed. Did the weather hold out for you? Nothing like a warmish day to lift the spirits.

Grit said...

Happy belated birthday wishes, jay!