Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Earth Day

Earth Day was easy for me when I was at Starbucks. There was always a planned event that would take a few hours when all was said and done. It always amazed me to see literally hundreds of people up and leave their desks to go to these types of events. (there were many others) The company totally picked up the tab. We all got paid to do it no matter if you were paid hourly or salaried. They would have the projects planned out and you could sign up for what you wanted to do. We’d pick a park and go clean it up and plant donated plants, clean a street, spray paint “Do Not Dump, Drains To Bay” on the storm drains, all kinds of stuff. And for your efforts the company would reward you with a t-shirt. (SBUX was always big on t-shirts for every little event or project. I’m going on 4 years since I left and I still have a ton of mermaid-logo wear)

Outside of that structure I’ve struggled with what to do. Oh, I do the ‘little’ stuff around the house. The obvious recycling, choosing the products I buy with care that kinda thing. But that’s just day-to-day living. What I’m trying to find is a way to give back a bit bigger on Earth Day. I doesn’t help that I have a tendency to procrastinate and didn’t really start thinking on this till this morning.

I will resolve today to do something about my car this year. I drive a gas guzzling Jeep Cherokee that makes me feel guilty. The problem is with the goats and chickens and general farm stuff I really need to be able haul a decent load around. I also use it often to take equipment out to the guys in the field. I’ll have to start saving money now because I’m sure when the do build a decent mid-size hybrid I know it’s going to be spendy. It doesn’t help that our company pays for all our gas so I don’t really feel that pain. Just as a business expense on the companies bottom line. Don’t tell the IRS please.

The point of all this you ask? What I was thinking was thinking, Dear Local Bloggers, is that maybe next year we could plan a group thing. Maybe we can find more local bloggers and rope them in too. Grab a friend or mate and get a group of us to take on a project ? Not to exclude non-local bloggers, I’d love to hear your ideas or just send us your encouragement.

So what do you say gang ? Wanna give it a go?


Golden To Silver Val said...

I'll stand by and yell encouragement for whatever you want to do Brad. After all, I'm just that kind of gal and anything you're involved in would be pretty cool, I'm sure.
Now...before you make that goulash..go read an update I've put on my post. Apparently an error was made when they posted that recipe....lots of complaints in their comments section about it being too salty. I was able to salvage mine because I had cut back on the seasonings a bit as I was making it. So I guess it wasn't my fault after all. That feels good. LOL

fiwa said...

I'm so out of it, I didn't know it was earth day till I saw it on Google. Maybe we could have a belated Earth Day sometime in the summer?

Barry Lawrence said...

I'm with you, mate. Trouble is, the miles rule out a joint project. Still, just doing your bit is what counts.

Mama Llama said...

As the head of the recycling committee at my daughter's elementary school, I really did not do anything extra special today as far as school events go, or even announcements. Bad me? I don't think so. The theme this week, aside from continuing with how to compost, is why shouldn't we make every day Earth Day? There is so much we can each do in our own daily lives that is so beneficial--we can't diminish the impact of our daily habits. I guess that's kind of been my theme this year while starting this program at the school.

I did, however, get out in the garden today--but I always try to whenever I can, and after almost 4 inches of rain in 2 days the earth is so soft...perfect! Be planting my veggies soon!

Be well, Brad.

Happyone said...

I didn't do anything special for earth day. I try to do what I can every day.
I think earth day is like Sundays - You can go to church but it's how you live during the week that really counts.
The one thing I will NOT give up is my Corvette. :-) Though it is really not that bad on gas. Most people are surprised to learn that cruising down the highway in 6th gear I can get 30 miles per gallon! I do only get abut 19 around town though.

Summer said...

I remember the first Earth Day. I was in high school. A senior I think. Was it 1972?

Moohaa said...

I will always do what I can. My family is getting more into green stuff, so that's always good. I'm guilty of not knowing it was Earth day as well.

Cheryl said...

I love how you did the dear local bloggers link. Have you three met in real life yet? I hope you do one day. I think a blogger Earth day project is a great idea. I'd love to do something with my local blog buddies. I'd love the idea of a coast to coast project.