Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Beautiful Sunny Day today

And I still feel like crap.

I almost didn't post. Not looking for any sympathy. Just sleep. I left work at 11:00 yesterday. Partner had a fit. He thinks I should 'man up' and get on with it. It's really starting to tic me off. He bitched all last week when I was full on sick. Then he got it. He's gotten over it so I must be whining. I got to the point yesterday where I just left over his objection. It's not like we're loosing money or anything. I'm taking care of my resposibilties. I got here yesterday and today, got my guys on the road for the day. All I want to do is lay down and sleep some more. I should just go. To hell with it. Let him bitch.

I'm trying to come up with some here to pull this post out of it's funky little hole but I can't think of anything.

It is a wonderful sunny day.



SOUL said...

i think it's about nap time here too--

hope you feel better -

fiwa said...

aww... hunbun, it's hard to feel positive when you're sick. Clarke sometimes gets like that when I'm sick too - I think it's because it scares them a little, to see us vulnerable? So they hide it by being impatient.

I hope you can get some rest and start feeling better.

sending you my lovins,

C.C. said...

It IS a nice sunny day, but you still need to take care of yourself - despite what Partner says. Sleep is just what you need, I think.

I'm beginning to really hate that phrase "man up", aren't you? Makes me want to come back with a "shut up"!

Moohaa said...

Sleep well, hun. I understand, I am back to having sinus pain again. This stuff just doesn't seem to want to leave. Gotta get lots of rest so your body can keep fighting it. I could use a nap too... Big hugs.

Jay said...

If you don't get enough sleep you won't fully recover. So go get some sleep!

Cheryl said...

At least you had something to say. I got nothing.

Feel better!

Mo said...

Hope you get to feeling better soon.

Jamie said...

Get better, and that's an order..oh wait, you've had too many of those already...

I just miss the happy Brad.

Seriously, take care of yourself and it will go away, soon.


Summer said...

You're sick again? I was afraid of that after taking care of partner so soon after you were sick.

Feel better.

I've got nothing to say myself. Depression sucks.

fiwa said...

How you feelin today?

CRUSTY MOM-E said...

I think I know what you need.....
but until you make it out to Chicago...sleep away this awful virus...because I've heard that it's a nasty one..all over...first flu, then throat and then relapses..so you know what that means...you bitch this week and partner gets it back next week. :O)

Feel better all of you!!!

It's hump day today!