Saturday, March 01, 2008


You all made it a great birthday - thank you

Partner's kinda over it.


Miss Purdue said...

Hey - happy birthday old timer!! I hope it was fab. There's nothing wrong with partying at your Mum's - I just spent a weekend with my parents and you've got to see it as precious time! I hope you have a super sonic week old man. Watcha been drawing with all those Sharpies?


Cheryl said...

Things have been kinda 'crappy' over here, to use a word I don't like. This picture? It made me laugh. Thank you Brad! I'm about 3 posts behind on your blog, so I'm gonna keep reading, after this question. Did you get my card late? I thought you would-that's why I made it 'belated'. Was it or did it leave you wondering?

fiwa said...

lol... tell Partner we love him too.

See? See?! I told you it was worth starting another blog.

love ya,

fiwa said...

I was just looking further at what a gorgeous head of hair that is when I noticed the (mike's!) swirly lamp in the background - is it a lamp? Did one of you boys make it?

Brad said...

Miss P - They're on the kitchen table so almost anything that comes along can and will be colored - posts more often - old uncles care.

cheryl honey - I'm sorry your having a bad day, your card came on Leap Day and that made it even possibly more special. And it's the first hand crafted card anyone ever gave me T'will be given a place of pride for a long time.

fiwa dear, Home Depot - But he did bend then metal band they run on artfully, bless'em. It's just track lighting.

Lolli Crafters said...

I love this pic of the kitchen. Jay is there? I can't see him with eyes covered.
