Wednesday, March 26, 2008

My Favorite Seattle Places #1

A pocket park where old men play under cover.

This is Hing-Hay park in downtown Seattle. The International District. The elder men of the neighborhood still gather to play Mahjong, Chess/Checkers and Socialize.

If you sit quietly to the side and watch for a while they will draw you in and explain the games. If your respectful. Great bakeries border the park.

My Step-Father ran the Bank of American Branch there for many years. A district I'm tied to and love.

His name is Matt.

He's a good man and a good friend.


Jay said...

Very coo.

I really need to visit Seattle some day. I'm afraid if I go there I'll never leave though.

Mary said...

Brad that sounds like a wonderful area - calm, peaceful, and welcoming. How did I ever miss finding it when I was in Seattle? I did find the downtown market with mounds of flowers and tons of fresh fish.

Cheryl said...

If I ever get back to Seattle, I'm looking you up!

Cheryl said...

You're gonna love Wife Swap! And, I'm joining you at Mary's.

Golden To Silver Val said...

Seattle sounds like such a wonderful place to live. I think the only negative thing I've ever heard about it is that it rains a lot. How's the crime rate?

Moohaa said...

I've been past there before, never spent time. It really is beautiful.

Oh... I'm so nervous! But I really hope you enjoy the book!

CRUSTY MOM-E said...

I want to come visit!!
It looks so welcoming!!!

How are you and your P feeling? Better, I hope?
It's almost friday and mermaid says hi!

fiwa said...

I know where that is! And those bakeries are the bomb. Your step dad sounds like a good man - I'm glad you were so lucky to have one you like.

PS - about the bees - that is scary! I feel like I see fewer honey bees in my garden these days - it seems like it's mostly bumbles and carpenters, but I could just be making that up since I have read about the parasite problem. I haven't found any dead ones yet though.

Mo said...

I may have to take Stanley by there.

We are forunate to live here aren't we?

Did you get snow yesterday too?

SOUL said...

i used to live near there.. now my step mom does-- my sis used to live by there too.

anyhow-- too much rain for me.

but it is pretty.

happy thursday-

Summer said...

You SWEET thing.
The package arrived today.
How can I begin to say thank you?
To both of you!
There aren't any words.

Happyone said...

I've never been to Seattle but it sounds like a great place. One of these days I'll have to get out that way.