Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Just Stuff

I'm at a low point tonight. I try to keep things light here. No sense on focusing on the negative. Work has been an issue lately. It's really tough to come from 'Corporate America' jobs and try to adapt to a small family owned business. I'm use to everything on line and in applications. Not on paper. It's tough.

Our business partners are looking to retire sooner rather than later and this time of transition is tough on everyone. The individuals who have been doing it all along (the company is 9 years old, we've been partners for 2 years) feel a bit of pain as we become the go-to people and their sense of place in 'they're' company diminishes but at the same time they want out as soon as possible. Transitions are tough and when the company is this small there's only three other people to create those stresses and only three to communicate it to. And we're not very good communicators yet. May never be. But we have to try to be a team and push the boulder forward. It can fray the nerves. On the other hand, Partner has been a main player in eliminating the debt the company has always carried. As of last week it's all gone. This means we have ways of growing as never before.


Other thoughts:

Twice today I saw something amazing to me. Memorials to loved ones who have passed on displayed on cars/ Have you seen this ? Does it strike you as wrong as it does me ? The first one was down at the local shopping mall, Southcenter. I noticed it on the plastic melded licence plate holder of the car in front of me. "in memoriam of John Doe 19XX-20XX. The second one was done in applied decals to the back windscreen of the car. Same gist. In honor of, from and to... I really find this kind of weird and unsettling. Um, Partner? In the event of my untimely death NEVER let anyone do this for me. Thanks, love you.

I always feel stupid for sitting in a turning lane with my turn signal on. Isn't this redundant?

The only candidate in the presidential election who has publicly stated that they believe a full review of the Bush administrations power grabs/illegal actions with the US Dept. of Justice/Complete disregard for the authority of congress/illegally starting a war that we could be in to for years....OK, right I said I would do this anymore - But the only one who has spoken the words are Hillary. And she gets my vote.

George Bush and Dick Cheney should be tried in the Hague.

Ok - I said I wouldn't but that was just a little outburst.

Last but not least. A laugh outloud at both Partner and his business partner who come into my office and look into the supply closet and wonder out loud why they can find paper clips, nothing but staples...

Dudes, it's because we buy all our shit, generically branded and costed....wait for it...from STAPLES. Same logo, different product.

In the end I have to forgive and sleep with one of them every night.

Good Night Loves, I hear bed calling.



Summer said...

OMG LMAO Staples! Hahaha.

I love Hilary too.

And btw, what if your death isn't untimely? Would you go for it then?

fiwa said...

hunny, you unload whenever you need to. I think of my blog as my diary of a sort, and it's good to be able to go back and read the good AND the bad things. Besides, talking about something that is bothering you is the best way to get it off your chest - it never feels as bad once you've told someone else.

I agree with you about the decals on the windows, I've seen that one time whilst driving around Tacoma. It's a little over the top, in my opinion.

Staples cracked me up... that sounds like something Clarke would do. :)

Hope it gets easier for you.

Happyone said...

I've never seen any cars with memorials on them but it certainly seems odd.
I know what you mean about the turning lanes. I don't put my blinker on until the light changes and I start moving.
To me all politicians sound the same and I can't get excited about any of them.

i7thnieto said...

Did you not notice the decals on my car Sat. 'In memory of: Your name, birth date, the only thing missing was the expiration date. I thought you would be honored. My bad.

Hope4Grace said...

In the admin world myself, I totally get the Staples things....that is gold.

Hang in there with work.....sounds like you guys are on the edge of big growth!

C.C. said...

Your business sounds exciting and stressful...just don't forget to breath during this time of transition. And don't forget to hug Partner...he's probably stressing too. Finding nothing but staples in the closet would fray anybody's nerves!

Cheryl said...

Great news for being in the black. It is black, not red, right? A great way to start off w/o the business partners. I got a good laugh out of Staples. I love that store, btw. I could browse for hours. I've always loved office supplies.

I've seen the decals a few times. I hope it doesn't catch on like the roadside memorials. A little weird.

And...it's ingrained in me to use my turn signals. I don't think it's redundant. Redundant. (sorry, I couldn't help myself)

Golden To Silver Val said...

I agree with fiwa about putting both happy and sad stuff in.....reading someone's blog that just has happy wappy stuff happen to them almost makes you want to bitch slap them across the room. Come one...NO ONE'S that happy...why are you lying? Besides that, if you read about someone else's troubles, it makes your own seem smaller. Do you think less of me now? Sorry, but I just had to be honest about that. On the other hand...happy is good too, just not all the time like you're in effin disneyworld.
(am I stressing?)
And putting someone's death info on your vehicle is just plain TACKY. I'm SORRY. I would be upset to have my info sported around like a Pizza Delivery sign. A def. no no.
thanks for all your help. You are aces. xxoo
Stay mellow ~ Val