Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Really, I got nothing here so tonights post might ramble

So as fiwa points out I omitted my actual B-day, It's tomorrow Feb 28th. I've always like the date of my birthday because it's got the last day of the month of a month with the fewest days. And then that whole weird leap year thing. It really doesn't take much to entertain me can you tell? I think I said it before but B-day's, my own at least, just really don't mean that much to me. Don't get me wrong I love to celebrate other's B-days, but my own ? Meh, not so much. Unless Partners going to buy me something good.

Hey, wait a minute...Partner hasn't even asked what I wanted. Maybe he's got something in store ? The thought just occurred to me. Odd that we didn't have the annual "What would you like" "Oh anything babe, whatever" conversation. Perhaps I'm getting something cool or the B-day equivalent of a Christmas lump of coal. Doesn't matter, I'd find it funny anyway.

Partner just came back in from the chicken coop with a bounty of eggs. I think I've said this before but I'm too lazy to go back and look, but his folks returned the 7 chickens we had given them as its more than they can handle any longer physically. So it's an understatement to say egg production is up. I think I'll start putting them in the neighbors mailboxes. Federal Postal laws be damned. Mo ? Fiwa ? Laura ? Lolli ? anyone ? Help !

I'm tired and cranky tonight. Whatever happened to the classic movie channels on TV ? I love old movies, but they're like hens teeth these days. Reality TV galore but hardly anything good to watch. Guess I'll wander off and start re-reading Anthony Adverse, my favorite book again. I really should go to the book store soon. Maybe after Tony.

The day's are getting longer and spring is coming. I won't feel so housebound and lethargic soon and Bear & I will spend this time of evening walking the peninsula at Seward Park soon - Yeah!

Like I said, I got nothing.

Love you guys!

fiwa, dear, 5 day's with out posting ? AHEM. If i can squeeze out this drivel you can follow suit. Just saying. One for my Birthday ? Love you !


Cheryl said...

Hey, I just wish I had your 'got nothing here tonight' post. Mine was a wah, wah, wah whine.

Happy Birthday to you! I'm just practicing for tomorrow. I try to ignore my b-days! Not that I've had too many--you can't have too many. I just want them to slow way down.

Can't wait to hear about your day! Is partner usually a good gift giver? Will your hedgehog get company?

Summer said...

Happy Birthday Baby!

Don't freak when you stop by my place. I'm going to move it. I'll let you know where. Along with all my *best* buds.

CRUSTY MOM-E said...

Now I know the reason I connect with you and like you soo much, because you have a birthday the day after the love of my life, bdd.
Happy birthday Brad!!

Damn it, all I can say, is LATE.

I wanted to let you know that because I love her so much, she'll be joining us on our trip to Florida..that, she, being the MErmaid!



Cheryl said...

Today's the day. I hope your Birthday is perfect!

fiwa said...

Happy Birthday!!! I hope partner does it up right for you.

Come by my blog, I have a present for you. :0)

Lovins & birthday hugs!

Happyone said...

Happy Birthday. Hope you enjoy your day.

dawn said...

oh, sweetcheeks...
happy birthday! what a great date for your birthday to be on.

happy birthday, brad.
i am so glad that you are in my life.

fiwa said...

Awww... it looks so good on you! ;)

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday twos ewes..Happy Birhtday twos ewes!!!!
Pam 'Oh Da Woods

C.C. said...

Happy Birthday, Brad! I hope you're having a great day and that Partner's silence on the subject means he came up with something extraordinary!

Coffespaz said...


Found you from your buddy Fiwa and must say I love the way you write.

Would love to come back and see what Partner got your for the B-day!! I'm sure its something divine. :-)

Gin said...

Hope you have a wonderful birthday, Brad!!

I like your blog, I'll probably start to visit once in a while!!

Fiwa rocks, doesn't she!!!

Golden To Silver Val said...

Happy Birthday...these are the best years...we have earned them. Much happiness to you and yours. I can tell you're a very special one, you are. A big hug to you.
(pssst....many more happy birthdays to you dear...I'll drink to that!)

bonnie said...

I want a egg.
Happy Birthday big boa.:-)
Sorry for the delay.. your present's comin.

Jay said...

Happy Birthday dude!

Sis said...

Have a happy birthday, Brad!

Jen said...

Stopped by due to your comment on Jay's blog - I heart that guy - but anyway . . . Happy Birthday to you! And many more! Hope it was good.

I love fresh cage free eggs. Wish I had chickens, but I think the husband would divorce-ay me if I bring home anymore animals.

fiwa said...

Just checking back in one last time to say, happy birthday, and I hope it was a good day.


Gin said...

Hi again Brad...Re: shea there a way I can email you? I think I can hook you up. :)


Brad said...

Thanks Love - It was a great day -

Thank you
Pam 'Oh Da Woods
Ginni Dee

You all made it a great birthday.

Really Amazing.

I'll be back to catch up with you on your sites soon.


Malcolm Cinnamond said...

Rather belatedly, happy birthday matey.

Jamie said...

Happy belated brithday! I hope that partner came through and got you something awesome!

And I want an egg or two. :)

Have a great, GREAT Friday!

CrystalChick said...

By way of Fiwa's blog I come to wish you a happy birthday. Hope it's a great year! :) Peace, Mary

MommiCombs said...

I sorry I missed your b-day.....I love you and I hope you have a good one!!! Ana I am gonna try to bring the kids up north sometime in lemme know if you want us to come see you guys too....