Monday, October 06, 2008

I must have writers block. These days I can't even start a new post with out staring at the blank template for 20 minutes first.

It was a very nice weekend. Jay & Lolli got up early and headed to the Portland area to pick up Dirty Deeds - our new billy goat. I was somewhat surprised when I finally saw him that he didn't look at all like the picture that was sent to Jay (coughbaitandswitchahem) Jay said it was just a misunderstanding and that the picture they sent (pictured here- two posts down) was his son from his fist litter. (?) Well, OK then.

A few of you commented about the smell of goats. I didn't think much of it at the time as our two exisiting goats don't have much of an odor, as far as farm animals go. But once I met Mr. Deeds (his name for now, I think) I found out what you were talking about. MALE goats freaking REAK! Boy howdy! that bad boy's getting a bath once he's 'done his bidness'. Apparently the odor is to attract the females. Urine seems to be his ace in the hole.

Gentlemen: Do not try this at home.

In the end Jay is over the moon about having his new goat so all in all it's worth it.

As I said before, I had better things to do with my Saturday. And that was havng brunch with Fiwa & Mo! We had a great time at Fiwa's place. We blabbed for a couple of hours and ate the great breakfast Fiwa prepared. She even set the plate of sausage near me! Always a bad idea. Yum. I love these two ladies. They are two of the first bloggers I got to know online and the first ones I've met in real life. It is a unique and cool way to start a friendship, already knowing so much about eachother before ever meeting.

The next time we get together will be at my place. I'm not sure when but I'll post it here in case any other local bloggers want to come.

The rest of the weekend was quite except for a wind storm that blew in Saturday afternoon and did some minor damage around the old homestead. My Mom came over Sunday and spent some time with us. We took the dogs for a walk and looked at the new paddock. She's heard me bitch about it enough that she had to see for herself. Of course Mom sides with me and my complaints. God love her!

My office partner broke her foot last Friday and is out of commision this week at least so my work load just doubled. Meaning I should be working and not blogging at work.

Happy Monday all!


Gin said...

Hope you're having a great Monday!

Moohaa said...

Here's hoping he's done his "bidness" soon, cuz PPPEEEEEWW!!! We almost moved to a place with a goat pen.. it had something like 30 goats. Oh geez, the stench was unbelievable! Musta been the boys. Figures. ;)

Depending on the when, maybe I can join your local blog gathering?????

happyone said...

I know what you mean about meeting blogger friends and feeling like you know them so well already. As you know I've met Cheryl and Bonnie and wish I could meet so many more.

I hope Mr Deeds smells better after his bath.
I like his name!

fiwa said...

Eeeww... I hope he gets his business over with quickly. I wonder if they ever lose that smell though - I was just reading something about a male goat who stunk so bad they kept him on a hill by himself.

I had so much fun on Saturday. We need to get together again soon.

love you -

Cheryl said...

You talk a good talk for someone who has writer's block. Give me some coffee and I can write away.

Think of me the next time you guys get together, OK?

Ruth Hull Chatlien said...

How cool that you got to have breakfast with Fiwa.

I hope the bath helps with Mr. Deeds aroma. It sounds nasty.

Smokey sends love back to Bear.

Ruth Hull Chatlien said...

Oh shoot. That's what I get for typing my response from memory. I also wanted to say I'm sorry about your increased work load.

Summer said...

I wish I could blog at work and blab to you all day. I'm so happy that you had a good time on Saturday and that your Jay has his new billy boat.

love you.

mean it.

Summer said...

p.'s always side with their sons. ;0)

Leann said...

Interesting that the goat wasn't the goat. hmmmm

I've yet to meet anyone in person that I blog with. Someday.

Summer's correct...Mom's always side with their sons :-)

CRUSTY MOM-E said...

I hope your office wife feels better soon, that's awful..

You guys are so lucky you get to hang out... I want to hang out with you. You're in a great group of people it feels like!


Hope4Grace said...

I have to figure out a way to sneak out to Seattle to hang with you. I'm thinking the first step is to back away from the shoes I've been buying. That could help!

Hang in there with the work load...try a little IM with your favorite chickie to lighten your day. I'm there, but I'm in hiding from my coworkers....hee hee (insert evil grin)

Cause I'm totally NOT logging what time they sign into their computer each day, I'm NOT!

zirelda said...

Happy Monday Brad.

It's always neat to get a glimpse of your life.

Jay said...

Wouldn't it be great if urine mixed with body odor is what attracted women too? The chicks would be all over all the homeless dudes.

Real Live Lesbian said...

Bummer on the stinkiness! But a goat's gotta do what a goat's gotta do to get the ladies! LOL