Monday, August 04, 2008

It was Seafair Week in Seattle this last week. The event culminates in the hydroplane races on Lake Washington.

We can hear the boats racing up here on our hill, but unfortunately can't see them for all the trees. We don’t actually go to the races anymore as the crowds are too big and the races go on for hours. They block off the streets around the lake and parking is a pain and once your there your kind of stuck there till the end.

It’s easier to watch them on TV. There’s a lot of 'hurry up and wait' time between races so it’s easy to still have a good day outside with the radio on and come inside to watch the individual races. We got a lot of yard work done and had fun talking to the neighbors who came up the hill to watch the air show. Obviously I didn't take any of these pics.

We know a business, Beacon Plumbing that we work with and refer a lot of business back and forth. They’re company sponsor a boat and it was considered a contender to win the Gold Cup. They actually did come in first but got caught up a technicality. If you’ve never seen hydroplanes they skim over the water with a jet engine pushing them. Well it’s a jet engine now, when I was a kid they were just hopped up diesel engines.

Anyway, the boats aren't allowed to settle back into the water for more than 5 seconds on the laps proceeding the start of the race. All three boats in the race did settle for over 5 seconds but only Beacon got sighted for it. It's being disputed with everyone posturing to not look like jerks, but they still sound like little boys. I can't be sure but I think this is Beacon's boat

Seafair and the Hydros have been a big thing here all my life. We won the Gold cup from Detroit in like 1959 and got the race moved here then. This was back before Seattle had any professional sports teams so it was our claim to fame and a great source of civic pride. When we were kids we would make hydros out of scrap plywood and tow them behind our bikes down the street.

We could see the Blue angels from up here. They’re not one of Bears favorite things. He’s a sensitive boy and does’nt like the noise. Here's Big Bertha, The Blue Angel's support plane. Those boats below it are tied up to the log boom. One big party out there.

Thanks for all the advice for getting out of a rut. I went to the mall on Saturday thinking I'd pick up some new clothes. I never made it past the parking lot. I'd forgotten we're still in back-to-school shopping season. I'll go back after the kids are in school.

I decided to just stop making any meals that I normally do to challenge my self to try new things. Pioneer Woman's recipe page is a lot of help. Tonight were have Marlboro Man Sandwiches (steak sandwiches)

On the advice of a friend I decided I needed to detox my body so for the past week it's been no booze, coffee etc. 80% veggies & fruit and 20% meat/protein. And tons & tons of water & juice.

Well, it certainly works. Unfortunately the toxins all decide to leave my body through my face! To the point that I didn't even want to be seen in public. But I toughed it out with sunglasses. The red bumps were finally clearing up this morning. No pictures please.


Mama Llama said...

And don't you feel GOOD???

Yeah, I forgot, those KIDS and pushy parents spoil the shopping for the rest of us...

oh, wait. I AM one of those pushy parents. Great.

See how often I engage in Shopping Therapy??

Be well, Brad.

Happyone said...

Glad you got out of your rut! :-)
I went to the mall today - surprisingly it was pretty empty. The kids here don't go back to school for a few weeks yet.
BTW - I just leave the sunflowers alone and let the birds eat the seeds. It's fun to watch them.

Joni Dixon-Stanger said...

Hi Brad, I'm happy to be... or Joni. I have read your blogs through happyone's site. The Blue Angels were just here in Twin Falls, Idaho so they must have headed for your neck of the woods right after. Hope you don't mind me reading you blogs. I find you interesting even when you feel like you are in a rut. Feel better!

meno said...

I wonder how many people got the crap burnt out of them by the sun this weekend? Hope you weren't one of them!

Summer said...

I can't imagine your face not being as handsome as it always is.

Sweet dreams tonight.

tt said...

Ooooooo, I love watching the Blue Angels!!! Gives me goose bumples.

That detox sounds booze?? What??? Not sure I'd want to go too long w/o my 'medication' **snicker-giggle**

Bumps or no bumps...wanna come out and play?? Huh?? Can Brad come out and play with me for a while??? Please? Bring Bear with you of course...what fun we'd have!

Jamie said...

That all looks like so much fun!

I love where you live, I hope you don't take it for granted...we have such boring schlep going on here in the corn state...ugh.

Have a wonderful week---and bumps and all, we love ya!


Crazy Charlene said...

brad~~ i am asking for help trying to figure out something
i need some advice about some problems that i don't know what to do to come to some kind of solution,
please give me your thoughts on what it the right thing to do with these problems~~i am asking from help from blogastain readers~~the readers i know and others who may have been in similiar situations~~this is a combination of several problems and maybe bloggers have encountered a similair problem to the many that i have.
i have been trying to figure out what is the best and right thing to do for months and i just don't know what to do
so i am appealing to bloggers to give me their thoughts
thank you for any thoughts, suggestions, advice and humour that you can enlighten me with
the post link is here

Real Live Lesbian said...

Looks like a big ol' mess of people that I'd rather stay out of! I'd be up on the hill with you guys watching on TV!

Hope you're feeling better! The detox-ing will certainly help.

Hope4Grace said...

You're in good hands recipe wise. Pioneer Woman rocks!

Sorry, I can't help you with the whole loud Blue Angels thingy, they are so stubborn!

Crap, it is school clothes shopping time huh? Damn....wanta come help me? Maybe this year I'll do it all online.

Hope4Grace said...

Nothing says "out of a rut" like getting tagged.....

You're tagged at my place

susi said...

The photos are wonderful and the lake looks huge. I had no idea what Seattle was like until I read your blog. Someone told me once that it was a place full of computer geeks where it rained all the time - knowing no better, I believed them.

CRUSTY MOM-E said...

even though your face may be feeling the trauma of the rut, your personal aura and chi are remarkable and that's what matters most!!

Do you miss coffee yet?

I LOVE PW's blog..her recipes are great!! You should make the lasagna..oh my garlic, i'm convinced it brings about passion!! :)

BACK TO SCHOOL I can't wait! Will finally be back to normal with my friends and blogging.

miss you,
xo and glad you're better!!! :)


desert dirt diva said...

hmmmmm maybe i need to detox.....glad your feeling better....and i do so love the blue angels....

Golden To Silver Val said...

This was an interesting post, Brad. Glad you're feeling better and out of your rut. I'm better too. Hugs. xxoo

Cheryl said...

Was that a detox via Ms. Mo? She's a smart healthy one.

Glad to hear you're getting out of your rut. We all get in's how we handle 'em.

I'm heading to Mo's place. Does she have pictures of the three of you?

Leann said...

My sister and her family go to the boat races every year on the columbia. She loves those things.

SOUL said...

great pix--
i know you didnt take em.. but they're still good- and capture what you're talkin about very well.
i wouldn't like the noise and crowds either-- so i would be knockin on your door to watch it on tv if i was there. but it looks really cool.

never heard of this detox thing... but your poor face. glad it's clearin up-- and that you are feelin better too.

happy humpday
and yep-- steer clear of the mall for at least two more weeks... cuz well, that's where i will be .. the crazy lady yellin at people for seemingly no reason :))
i don't wanna gooooo

bonnie said...

This is an awesome post, Brad. Miss you, dear. I've been out of touch. I've seen the Blue Angels show and it's a wonderful sight. I would definitely find a way to get a front row seat to the hydroplane race, just once. I love new experiences and that would be a good one.

Mama Llama said...

Checking in on you--hoping you are great and no longer 15!! ;)

Be well, Brad.

CRUSTY MOM-E said...

it's beyond humpday and almost to friday and how is my Bradley??

I'll catch up with you later lovie!


Smocha said...

Update honey!

Mo said...

You did a great job of representing where we live!

I chose not to do the whole business party SeaFair thing this year and completely boycotted the races on tv too.

I detox once a year at least and brother, I feel your pain. Amazing the way your body reacts huh? Do a colon cleanse and watch that.

Could get you out of a rut and make for interesting blogging. LoL

Be well and be sure to let me/us know when you're free. There are feet pictures to be taken with Fiwa.

zirelda said...

There's nothing like changing things up Brad. :) The show looks like fun. I've seen the Blue Angels a time or two and they are truely awesome albiet loud.

annabkrr said...

I remember Seafair week! Great pictures too!!

Summer said...

I'm just stopping by to say...hey YOU doing?

Jamie said...

Where are you, darlin?

Just look at all us women, worrying about our Brad...LOL

Have a very happy weekend!



CRUSTY MOM-E said...

Now it's saturday..where are you??
