Sunday, June 01, 2008


Gin said...

So beautiful, Brad.


tt said...

Geez...i don't know what those flowers are but they're absolutely gorgeous! Do you grow them???

More pics! :)

Cheryl said...

I had that kind of dogwood tree, but unfortunately I planted it too close to the house and had to pay to have it removed. I'm SO glad you bought a camera!

fiwa said...

Purty! I like the begonia. I love that salmon color.

CRUSTY MOM-E said...

Are those begonias? I'm not good with names but whenever I see a beautiful flower I admire the colors.. How about Poppies and Peonies too?

Your kiddios are angels, I love the paws on mew mew... so cute!!

How are you holding up? Good I hope!! :)

Have a great Monday! Sorry I wasn't on last night, I went to bed really early..had a late night at the neighbors sat night came home and smacked myself right into dreamland and was a walking momzombie yesterday..thus the early to bed nighty nighty...

woo..chili cheese dog with fries? If you want to view some of your old food loves in Chicago check out this crazy guys site: he rates all the yummie greasey joints in Chicago..pretty cool. :)

C u someday,